
JAKARTA - Ian Kasela expressed his frustration with Erdian Aji Prihartanto alias Anji, who through his YouTube content was deemed to have led opinions and caused Ian and his band, Radja to be boycotted.

The vocalist from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan questioned Anji's YouTube content discussing the polemic about the copyright of the Cinderella song without asking for information from him.

"We asked back, has he (Anji) confirmed, have you coordinated (with Radja regarding the polemic of the Cinderella song)?" said Ian Kasela in front of the media crew after making a report at Polda Metro Jaya on Friday, August 18.

Ian Kasela feels it is unfair if Anji only asks for information from Rival Bayu alias Ipay without confirming the truth first to his party.

The vocalist of the band Radja also felt that Anji did not establish any communication with him, as the party who also had polemics regarding the song Cinderella. In fact, Ian said that Anji's place of residence was close to his house.

"Earlier, I asked whether fellow musicians had no communication? That's what we regret, that's what I personally regret. We both live in Cibubur, we often communicate," said Ian Kasela.

Ian was even more furious because he and Anji were in the same group as songwriters. However, the news that has been circulating so far has forced him to be expelled from the group.

"My number is there, we (Anji and Ian) are in the same group in ACTION (Composer Association throughout Indonesia). But, why did I get left? It means there is something," he said.

At first, Ian felt that the polemic of Cinderella's song should not be brought to the public realm. However, he felt that this polemic had already been exposed, so he felt the need to raise his voice.

"I'm actually lazy to bring it to the public realm, but because it's already started, so like it or not, I will answer," said Ian.

"I just don't want to answer, clarify, or what he asked for, sit in his place. Who is he, I have to sit in his place? If he needs it, then he will come to my place, don't let me come to his place," he continued.

Furthermore, Sunan Kalijaga as Radja's attorney accused Anji of alleged interests behind the current incident.

"We suspect that there is a content of marketing strategy that will benefit these parties. Why should we ask, make advertisements, 'I'm bringing the Cinderella song with whom? With Ian or the person we reported?'," concluded Sunan Kalijaga, Radja's attorney.

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