
YOGYAKARTA Have you ever felt pain in your heart which is followed by a burning sensation along your throat? This pain usually occurs at night. You can also experience this condition if you eat too fast or a lot, lie down after eating and bending. Heart pain can be overcome by drinking warm water to taking MAagh. The following is information about the cause of heart pain and the first treatment during heart pain.

Pain in the heart followed by a burning sensation along the throat or heartburn is a condition when stomach acid rises to the esophagus (concave) channel.

In esophagus there is a sfingter muscle that functions as a barrier or valve to prevent food that has entered the stomach and its contents move back up to the esophagus.

However, under certain conditions, the sfingter muscles can weaken and cannot cover perfectly so that stomach acid can rise to the concavity.

It is this rising stomach acid that causes pain, heat and heat in the solar plexus. Exposure to stomach acid that rises to esophagus repeatedly can cause irritation in the concavity layer, causing severe pain.

Heartburn or pain in the heart can be caused by several things, such as:

First Handling During Heart Pain

Quoted from Ai-Care, there are some first aids that you can do when experiencing heart pain, including:

This is information about the first treatment during heart pain. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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