YOGYAKARTA – Maintaining skin that remains rosy and fresh is sometimes difficult. The reason is that all lifestyles affect, including diet, hours of sleep, to certain medical conditions. Well, according to experts, these are the five most common things that cause your skin to look pale and dull.
1. Certain medical conditions such as anemia
Healthy skin radiates vitality and a natural complexion. However, if you are pale and dull, it may be due to certain conditions related to your health. According to dermatologist Jodi LoGerfo, DNP., APRN., FNP-C., pale skin is most commonly caused by anemia. Anemia reduces oxygen circulation which can be seen on the skin. Apart from anemia, your skin is not fresh can also be caused by a lack of vitamins, especially vitamins A, B12, C, D, and E.
2. Smoking
LeGerfo said, smoking damages the skin because it contains many harmful substances. Smoking also accelerates skin aging, reduces collagen production, damages skin's elastic fibers, creates free radicals, constricts blood vessels, and absorbs vitamins and nutrients from the skin. Because there are so many risks for smokers, it's time to plan to reduce and stop.

3. Stressed
Lifestyle factors also affect how your skin looks. If you often lack sleep and stress, it can cause your skin to look dull. According to doctor LeGerfo, sleep is very important for many purposes. Starting from the health of the body, to affect your skin cells.
4. Often exposed to sunlight
You can do outdoor activities, but make sure to provide protection for the skin. You see, UV rays from sun exposure can cause skin aging and damage. The characteristics of the skin are often exposed to the sun, including looking rough, appearing fine wrinkles, and pigmentation such as freckles. Sometimes it also causes the skin to look looser or paler.
5. Dehydration
Skin needs enough fluids to look firm and supple. If you are dehydrated, it can cause your skin to look dull, dry, and sluggish. Over time due to dehydration, skin can lose its brightness and look pale, explains dermatologist and esthetician Kiran Mian, DO., FAAD. reported by Byrdie, Monday, August 14.
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The two experts above suggest changing your lifestyle to keep your skin bright, firm and fresh. Like making sure to drink enough to avoid dehydration, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and evaluate your daily menu and diet. Doctor Mian's message, make sure to eat a balanced diet, fresh foods rich in color, and increase your intake of vitamin C to brighten your skin.
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