
JAKARTA - Haji Faisal, the father of Fadly Faisal, has publicly begun to express his disapproval of his son's relationship with Rebecca Klopper, who is currently known to be dating.

Choosing not to comment much on Fadly and Rebecca's current relationship, Haji Faisal asked the media crew to ask directly to his son.

"Now that problem must be asked to Fadly. I don't want to respond anymore," said Haji Faisal, launching the Instagram account @rumpi_gosip on Tuesday, August 8.

However, Haji Faisal did not deny that he did not agree with Fuji's brother's relationship.

"Yes, that's right (no longer stressed), it's no longer connected," said Haji Faisal.

It is undeniable, that the spread of the video of ayur Rebecca Klopper is the reason why Haji Faisal hopes that her son will end his relationship with the 21-year-old actress. She feels now is the right time for Fadly to end her love story with Rebecca.

"Especially if all the problems are cold, the trauma has gone away, I think we have to think. After all, we think about the future, we have families, we have parents, everything must be considered," said Haji Faisal.

"Unless it hit directly, it was not right. But after being silent, it was calm, the trauma was gone, I think we should think personally," he added.

Haji Faisal emphasized that his current position is not only for his own interests. He hopes for the best for Fadly and his descendants.

"As parents, yes, we think what is best for our children and grandchildren," said Haji Faisal.

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