
Aurel Hermansyah responded to the confession of a man on social media who said he had worked as Atta Halilintar's personal driver and felt wronged while working.

The man's upload went viral and invited many netizens to react. Aurel did not miss commenting, but he chose to relax to respond to the man's confession.

"Yes, that's okay," said Aurel Hermansyah to the media crew in Kuningan, South Jakarta on Thursday, August 3.

This is not the first time Aurel and Atta's family have had an unpleasant issue. However, every issue that comes will be responded to with a smile from Anang Hermansyah's son.

"If someone hits, we'll just reply with a smile," said Aurel Hermansyah.

Aurel, who was already sitting in his car, did not want to comment further. He closed the car window and left the media crew.

"Thank you," said Aurel before leaving.

Previously, Atta Halilintar had also commented on the upload of the man who claimed to be his personal driver.

"O Allah. For safety reasons, the business capital is replaced, sir. Yes, I hope the test will erase sins," commented Atta Halilintar.

"Be patient, O Allah, there is," said Aurel Hermansyah in the comment.

For information, the man is known as Arman Sam. He worked with Atta Halilintar for approximately two months in 2021. However, until now Arman is known to have not returned to work.

Arman accused himself of not getting a job again because his salary had been published. The salary range of Rp. 20 million is thought to have been dismantled by Atta. The amount of the salary makes it difficult for him to find work.

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