
YOGYAKARTA Bee pollen is a nutritious food ingredient that comes from granulars collected in the bee's body when they fly from one flower to another. Polen Bees may also include bee saliva but are different from natural honey, honeycomb, or royal jelly. So, what is the content of polen that encourages many parties to claim this food is beneficial for health?

Polen Bees are easy to buy in pharmacies or health foods. Maybe you find bee juice powder in natural food supplements. Many are also formulated in skin softening products to treat baby diapers and eczema rashes. Polen Bees are also widely recommended for overcoming asthma, allergies, health care, overcoming pre-memnstruation syndrome (PMS), prostate enlargement, and treating stomach problems. These ingredients are also used in energy-boosting drinks.

Herbal experts also recommend polen bee to improve athletic performance, reduce side effects of chemotherapy, and improve symptoms of allergies. However, medical research is still widely needed because evidence of the benefits of polen bee for health is very limited. According to research reported by WebMD, Tuesday, July 25, it found evidence that polen bee reduces the side effects of radiation therapy in cancer sufferers. In addition, the study also observed the extract of bee pollen and found its use for men suffering from chronic prostateitis. In addition, the study also reported evidence that bee pollen appears to be reducing PMS symptoms.

The polen bee content that encourages researchers to dig up scientific evidence to find health benefits. In polen, the nutritional content includes rich in good minerals, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. However, because of its good effects on health, it varies with everyone, there is no definite dose of how many rules drink. So ask for advice from your doctor according to the medical diagnosis you are experiencing.

How to consume polen bee can vary, including adding toppings in foammeals, cereals, or yogurt. It can also be added to salads, roast bread, or juices. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of consuming it. Although it seems safe for most people, it can only be consumed in the short term. For children and pregnant women, it is better to avoid consuming polen bee. People who havenafficiase powder, also need to avoid consuming bee pollen. So a safe way to consume bee pollen must be identified and consulted with your doctor so that it is in accordance with your health condition.

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