
JAKARTA - Fuji's problem with his former manager is not over yet. Through his attorney, Sandy Arifin, it was said that Fadly Faisal's younger brother sent a summons for the second time.

"So, we through Mas Kris will send a subpoena to the person concerned," said Sandy Arifin to the media crew in Ampera, South Jakarta on Thursday, July 6.

Meanwhile, Fuji's first subpoena some time ago was deemed not to have received a good response. More than that, Fuji is also known to have started to get angry.

Sandy also said that his client had given the former manager time and hoped that there would be good faith. However, the agreement between the two regarding the loss of billions of rupiah from Fuji has not yet occurred

"So, for almost a week we have been waiting for good faith, but apparently there is some information that I got from Fuji himself, there are some calculations that haven't matched yet. Still confirming each other and clarifying, but maybe Fuji is tired of waiting," said Sandy.

The second subpoena was actually planned last week, Sandy said, but the intention was postponed to see how the former manager responded. However, the meeting that had been agreed did not appear to have taken place.

"Indeed, we wanted to send it last week, our client asked to be held first, because there was good faith from their side that they wanted to meet with their family, but until now there may not be a meeting and there has been no confirmation and the match is related," he explained.

Furthermore, in the second summons, the former lover of Tariq Halilintar asked for clarity from the former manager within three days.

"If there is no good faith, maybe after that, next week if there is no settlement, we will report and process the law against the person concerned," concluded Sandy Arifin, Fuji's attorney.

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