
YOGYAKARTA Herbal plants are one of the most diverse 'family' plants around the world. Starting from oriental herbs to subtropics to native species in each region. The similarity of the difference in herbal type plants, is to produce oil that emits aroma and taste. Not to mention the resilience stored fresh or still alive in pots on the page.

Instead of buying every time you need it for a dish, it's better to plant it yourself. Well, the challenge in planting it is the season. But don't worry, so that herbal plants remain productive and produce, you can do the following method.

To ensure fresh and stable herbs remain productive in pots, you need to sow a new batch after the plant grows half way. Launching Gardeners 'World, Friday, June 30, sprinkle thin seeds above the pot surface with a versatile compost planting medium. Let it grow and don't pry the seeds. In winter, sprinkle into pots on the warm windowshold.

Mediterranean plants love a lot of good sunlight and drainage. Plants such as peterseli, mint, kucai, tarragon, and ketumbar, enjoy a lot of light but become dwarfs or hard if they are too dry and hot. Kemangi needs to be grown in good light but avoid strong mid-day sunlight and sirami carefully.

It is important to increase herbal productivity with fresh compost in spring. Mint requires good nutrition, so put some strong roots into the new compost every spring. It is also important to fix ucai and tarragons every second spring, and top balut or replant Mediterranean wood ingredients, such as rosemary.

Implement a general purpose of applying liquid fertilizer to keep your clothes dry, plus a dose of liquid seaweed occasionally, as trace elements increase the taste. Give yourself a plant nutrient with a high potassium in the middle of summer. This helps strengthen herbal plants so they are resistant to a hot dry season.

Spices like mints, lovages, and locios die in winter, so they need to be cut at the end of fall. Malay concoctions such as rosemaye and sage, do not grow evenly as they age. So the barbershop becomes slimmer after flowering or in spring. If lavender, the cut becomes neater at the end of summer and throws away the aging flowers.

That's how to care for herbal plants to stay productive. What herbal plants grow in your home? Of course it will be fun if these plants can still be productive and make it easier for you to complete the taste of the dish.

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