YOGYAKARTA Headaches are often felt when they get colds or when they are pre-menstrued. But under certain conditions, headaches require medical assistance. Especially if you feel dizzy often and followed by other symptoms.
Headaches are estimated to be experienced by 99 percent of the population. A common type of person who feels it, including a tense head to a migraine. Most headaches, without fundamental and harmless causes. Even so, you need to identify a number of headache conditions that require immediate medical treatment.
Sometimes headaches are very disturbing and sudden. The broken aneurism can cause headaches of this type. The signs are followed by symptoms such as nausea, shadowing vision, seizures, light sensitivity, decreased consciousness, and heart failure.
A saddle pain accompanied by fever and stiff neck can indicate infection of the brain and spinal cord. These infections cause inflammation, including meningitis (the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain), encephalitis (brain inflammation), myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord), and encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord). If experiencing it, it needs immediate treatment for full recovery because if not treated immediately it causes permanent brain and nerve damage.
Neoplasma or tumor is the mass of an atypical tissue. Neoplasma can be malignant known as cancer or tame. Neoplasma may be passed down through a family history that may potentially lead to new tumors. Headaches are the only sign of neoplasma history that has only experienced 1 percent of cases.
According to research reported by PsychCentral, Friday, May 26, headaches can also be related to brain tumors which are exacerbated by pressure activity on intracrarials. It can also be characterized by bowing posture, vomiting, and coughing.
If you have a history of repeated headaches, you may not need to worry about other episodes of headaches even though they are different from usual. Maybe the intensity of the pain has changed or the area of the pain is different from before. Changes to the type or pattern of headaches need attention because it is necessary to evaluate the primary condition that causes the headache.
If headaches increase or fade based on the position of the body, it could indicate serious conditions involving cerebrospinal liquid (CSF). Research in 2022 found that someone who experienced CSF worsened when standing and improved while lying down. Apart from CSF, positional headaches are also called orthostatic headaches.
A painful and lasting headache occurs after you cough, maybe it's a sign you have to meet a doctor. According to a 2021 study, headaches due to coughs are associated with headaches due to tensions and migraines. Generally, there's no need to worry, but when it starts to interfere with balance, it gets very dizzy, to the point of fainting, it can indicate other conditions that are more severe.
Headaches followed by changes in vision, faintness, confusion, weak body, loss of equilibration, and numbness, are associated with neurological symptoms related to the brain, spinal cord, and edge nerve. In addition, it can also be an early sign of stroke, followed by weakness and numbness on one side of the body or difficulty speaking and understanding the language.
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Headaches can mark other factors. Like when you experience physical injuries, concussions, and mild concussions that often after an injury are more serious with headaches. If you often experience headaches and dizziness, then the most appropriate thing is to have a doctor so that you get the best treatment.
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