YOGYAKARTA Challenges for parents to educate their children appropriately. Without inappropriate punishment, parents can teach children to remain cooperative with rules and consequences. Of course this is not easy, especially in their development, children have different behaviors. According to clinical psychologist
Cooperative attitude is when parents and children can work together at home. Children carry out their responsibilities and parents educate the value of independence and discipline according to their age. Gelb also receives a lot of complaints that parents have tried to educate children and understand the applicable rules, but they still behave poorly, they still lie, are rude, manipulate, procrastinate, and naughty. So what needs to be done and how can children cooperate with applicable rules? Gelb provides guidance for parents so that children are more cooperative or parents need to reflect on the following four things.
Consistency is related to shaping children's behavior. If parents only sometimes apply the rules, they often miss their implementation, so don't blame your children if they are less cooperative with the rules imposed.
Consistency is very important so that the consequences become effective, Gelb's message is reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, May 16. If parents only apply the consequences sometimes, then children may soon find out that their parents are inconsistent and unreliable. So before deciding to disobey the rules, try to reflect how consistently you apply the rules.
Sometimes other family members don't know about the applicable rules according to your and your child's agreement. That could be a problem, because children need a solid role model. Because parents are the main role model for their children, it's best to consider taking the leadership role and ensuring everyone has the same understanding.
Bagan or chart is important because that way you can track how your child carries out his responsibilities every day. This is a great way to outline the rules, tasks and behavior that a child needs. This also needs to be followed by a description or explanation of the consequences for non-compliance.
If a child completes a task or follows the rules, they get a checkmark or a gold star. Meanwhile, if they don't do it, there are no stars. Then parents can have the opportunity to ask 'What are the consequences of what you do?'. With this chart system, you help your child build independence, self-esteem, and children realize that they are cool because they behave according to the rules.
Making consequences is not just giving punishment, you know. Gelb's advice, most effectively giving children his favorite privileges. Such as not giving a temporary chance to access gadgets, watch television, play video games, reduce play time, and so on. If the consequences aren't strong enough, a child most likely doesn't have much motivation to comply with them.
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When parents set strict rules with love and then apply the consequences for non-compliance, then the parents have contributed greatly to their children. Children will also understand that their parents are not evil but effective teachers.
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