YOGYAKARTA - It seems that there are still many parents who still don't understand the need for salt for children. The reason is, many do not realize that the little one is prone to excess salt. Why does this happen? Well, arenas usually really like the consumption of snacks that contain salt. Did you know, even though excess salt can be a problem!
The reason is, children need salt but not as many as us adults. It is necessary to adjust the intake needs according to their age. If it is excessive, you will know for yourself the consequences, excess salt!
Various products in packages often write down the amount of salt on the brand by loading only sodium numbers. Meanwhile, the actual amount of salt is 2, 5 times from the contents of the sodium or sodium printed on the packaging.
Furthermore, this is the number of salt needs for children based on the age they need. You know:
You can check nutritional labels on various types of food or packaged drinks, such as bread, contracts, and milk, to ensure the amount of salt listed in them.
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Limit also consuming food types that exceed a lot of processes in children, such as smoke meat, sausages, or nuggets. Stay away from adding salt to these types of dishes, because they have the potential to make children excess salt.
So after knowing the need for salt for children, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!
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