
YOGYAKARTA Two-colored, black and white fur cat, known as the Tuxedo cat or Tuxedo cat. Tuxedo cat is not just one breed, but the Maine Coon, Angora Turki, American short hair, it can also be called the Tuxedo cat. There are many color variations other than black and white. They can also have gray hair, silver, orange, and white spots.

Called as tuxedo cats because they have a striped fur color or he resembles a tuxedo. Launching The Spruce Pets, Tuesday, March 28, like a calico cat and a tortie, tuxedo cats get fur coats instead of genetics. It has long been believed that their fur pattern is the result of a "ban" pigment cell so that it cannot reach all parts of the cat embryo before it is fully formed. The effect leaves white spots in areas missed by pigment cells.

Recent findings show that pigment cells move and reproduce randomly during the development of cat embryos. This means that these cells do not follow certain genetic instructions to create a hair pattern.

The results of the two findings above conclude that the cat's hair pattern is random, so there are no two tuxedo cats that have the same pattern exactly. Even if the cat passes through the cloning process and is under laboratory monitoring. Although the calico cat and the tortie have the same pattern of hair formation as the tuxedo cat, the three have differences. For tortie and calico, the majority of the female cats, while the tuxedo cat, the number of males and females is balanced.

These two-colour cats are noted to have an important role in the lives of a number of figures. Like William totaling,men's, and Sir Isaac Newton, they have a tuxedo cat as pets. Tofu 'n'kan Sylvester in the animated film Looney Tunes? The cat is two colors of fur, black and white.

In 1998 a tugedo cat named totaling 6.3 million dollars when the owner died. This makes him richer than any other cat. Not to mention a cat named Simon, he climbed to the top of Everest. Yes, of course carried by the owner. But the silver journey is certainly quite impressive. In addition, there is a unique story that one taxedo cat lives in the White House, because president Bill Clinton maintains Tuxie, the oxedo cat during his tenure as president of the United States.

The assumption that the Tuxedo cat is intelligent, brings good luck, and is loyal to just develop in society. Although this is entirely a myth, but affection and attention to the needs of cats are given on the grounds of compassion. Not to mention the news that the Tuxedo cat is practiced by ancient Egyptian people because it has magical power.

Tuxedo cats have a lifespan of about 15 years or longer and have characters just like other cats. They shoot up when they invite them to play and put their heads back on your feet because they want to be spoiled or eat time.

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