JAKARTA - In the midst of high prices for various needs that are not accompanied by increased income, many people find it difficult to meet financial goals. In the aftermath, finding additional income is believed to be able to solve endless financial problems.
But, what does it mean if you make more money without knowing how to use it wisely? No matter how much money is generated, if you are not good at managing it, let alone saving, to meet your needs, it can be difficult.
Kemudian munculah term frugal living yang ramai dibahas belakang ini. Salah satu frugal living paling populer adalah ketika seorang ibu muda dengan tiga anak mampu memiliki rumah dan kendaraan meski suaminya hanya memiliki penghasilan sekitar Rp3,500,000.
"Pasutri frugal living from a salary of 3.5 million can have a house, a car," as quoted from the TikTok account @selyya14.
Various comments also came. Many praised the success of the young mother who was able to live a prosperous life, even though with income that could be said to be mediocre. However, not a few of them sneered because she was considered too stingy.
Indeed, there are still many who think that the frugal lifestyle means stingyness and ignoring quality. In fact, frugal living means greater than that. Frugal living can not only accelerate financial goals, but also contribute to the environment.
Reported by Wealth Simple, marginal living is aware of spending and focuses on financial priorities. Meanwhile, the India Times launched frugal living is limiting waste. Nadia Harsya, a financial planner, explained that the main goal of frugal living is to fulfill the welfare of life in the future.
"Right now, there is a lot of awareness that people live not only today, but on the other hand income, sustenance is not always the same. To fulfill the welfare of life in the future, there is an awareness for frugal life," explained the financial planner, Nadia Harsya, during a conversation with VOI.
But then this lifestyle is underestimated by some people. Saved is often attached to the stingy stigma, the lack of appreciation for your own hard work. In fact, according to Nadia, the personality of people who apply the frugal living style is far from stingy.
Frugal lifestyle is a lifestyle that prioritizes quality. As previously mentioned, African persons spend their money carefully.
The easiest example is when shopping for a item. Those who apply frugal living prefer quality items even at a higher price.
"It's a lot different between frugal and stingy. If stingy people usually don't want to spend money, the point is that the money that is spent must be a little. Meanwhile, frugal is more confident, more concerned about age and age. The stingy class does not need quality," said Nadia.
Implementing a frugal living lifestyle is not easy. This assumption arises because the frugals prioritize quality. Talking about quality, it is usually directly proportional to a price that is not cheap.
Therefore, many narratives arise that this lifestyle is only suitable for high-class groups whose money is unlimited. The style of life of frugal living is considered unsuitable for mediocre people. An assumption that Nadia actually refuted.
Everyone needs awareness for mindfulness when shopping. In fact, this mediocre group is a must to make frugal living, because there is a lot of need but money is limited. On the other hand, if people have unlimited money, they have a choice to live frugally or not, "continued this mother of one child.
The main thing about running frugal living is being able to distinguish between needs and desires. Spending money consciously can prevent waste just to fulfill an seemingly infinite desire.
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The cost of living issued should not be greater than the income. That is, there is no bigger stake than poles, so you can still save and have no consumptive debt," Nadia added.
The Ministry of Finance even encourages the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to participate in the celebration of living. "In accordance with ASN, there is no need to be ashamed to start good. As a public servant, every movement and lifestyle of ASN is in the public spotlight," he was quoted as saying on the official website of the Ministry of Finance.
Nadia said, several practical steps that can be taken to implement frugal living include having clear financial goals, avoiding consumptive debt, feeling sufficient for what is owned, being able to analyze needs vs wishes before spending money.
Jhon White, a professor of education philosophy in his writings The Fragal Life, and Why We Should Educate for It explained that February Living must be adopted by future generations. Frugal living itself has several positive impacts in life. Starting from accelerating financial freedom to reducing economic stress and pressure.
Over time, frugal living studies or concepts are growing. Not only connecting lifestyles with long-term personal financial goals, but also related to the sustainability of human life in the future. The concept of frugal living can also be directly related to efforts to save the earth from environmental pollution.
This is because the fewer and longer-lasting goods we have, it can also have a positive impact on the environment, both in the short and long term. Because as has been mentioned, frugal living prioritizes age.
Adopting the frugal living style allows a person to have fewer items. By holding back negative impulsiveness, the frugals will consider several times to buy goods that are not really needed. The less items they have, the more it will minimize the possibility of goods ending up in the trash.
One real example of the positive impact that results from adopting a frugal living lifestyle is minimizing fashion waste. To note, textile waste in the world is increasingly worrying. According to data in 2020, about 18.6 million tons of textile waste end up at sea.
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