
JAKARTA The judge is often termed Deputy God on earth'. This designation implies how honorable a judge's position is compared to other professions in the world. Even in every trial, a judge must be called as 'Your Majesty'.

Hasbi Hasan, Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) is currently hot news in Indonesia. Not because of his great reputation as a judge, but because he was caught in a corruption case. Hasbi has been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the bribery case of case management in the Supreme Court.

The self-esteem of 'Deputy God' named Hasbi Hasan is really very cheap, only Rp. 3 billion! The representative of God is now languishing in the KPK Detention Center as of Wednesday 12 July 2023. His body is wrapped in orange jackets, which are always worn on the white collar bandits who are caught looking for money in a completely disrespectful way. His hands were handcuffed, the symbol that Hasbi is a human being who is shackled by his actions.

Hasbi is suspected of accepting bribes in the case of handling a debtor dispute at the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative named Heryanto Tanaka, at the Semarang District Court. Heryanto lost to Budiman Gandi Suparman, and he was not satisfied with the Semarang District Court's decision.

Long story short, Heryanto then filed an appeal with the Supreme Court. The people he trusted to take care of the cassation required giving bribes to the influential parties in the Supreme Court. And the party who 'influent' was Hasbi Hasan.

"In that communication, HH (Hasbi Hasan) agreed and agreed to take part in overseeing and taking care of the cassation of the HT (Heryanto Tanaka) case. DTY (Dadan Tri Yulianto) distributed and then handed over to HH (Hasbi Hasan) the amount received by HH of approximately Rp. 3 billion," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri at a press conference at the KPK Building, July 12, 2023.

The cassation decision finally complied with Heryanto's expectations. Budiman Gandi was found guilty, and sentenced to 5 years. Firli said that Heryanto's cassation victory was none other than thanks to Hasbi's'supervisory', as an influential person' in the Supreme Court.

Hasbi Hasan was charged with Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b and/or Article 11 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code, due to his completely unrespectful behavior.

Hasbi Hasan was born in Bandar Lampung on May 22, 1967. Hasbi's education is not kidding because there are three sustainability titles attached to him: Bachelor of Law, Master of Law, and Doctor. Not only that, as a professional educator he also holds the honorary title of Professor of Islamic economic justice which was awarded by the University of Lampung.

In his position as a bureaucrat, Hasbi also held a series of classy positions before becoming the Secretary of the Supreme Court. He was noted to have been a high judge at the Palu Religious Court, Director of Administrative Development at the Directorate General of the Religious Court Agency of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of the Law and Judiciary Center of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, and Head of the Secretariat of the Leadership of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.

Not to mention its reputation in the field of organizations that are also great. Hasbi was once the General Chair of the Lampung Province KAHMI Expert Council, the Sharia Economic Community Board of Trustees, the Indonesian Judge Association, and the Indonesian Sharia National Board of Experts and Bachelors.

Hasbi Hasan clearly has a very capable education and career footprint, but why is he still willing to commit corruption?

According to theory, there are many things that cause a person to commit corruption. Many theories also reveal the reasons for corrupt behavior. One of them is from Jack Bologne, which is written in the book Fraud Auditing and Forensic Accounting: New Tools and Techniques. The theory is known as GONE Theory: Greedy (Kekahan), Opportunity (employment), Need (needs), Exposure (disclosure).

Hasbi Hasan could be greedy, never satisfied. He has a need for whatever. And surely got the opportunity because there was an offer from Heryanto, and it was Hasbi stated that because of his position as Secretary of the Supreme Court. Hasbi is good and determined to commit corruption because he knows very well, the punishment for crime is very low!

"Looking for the causes of corruption can certainly vary. But all of the causes come from failing to control yourself," said Edi Abdullah, an anti-corruption activist.

Article 2 of the Anti-Corruption Law states that the sentence of imprisonment for corruptors is at least four years, a maximum of 20 years. If you have to be fined, then the payment is at least Rp. 200 million and a maximum of Rp. 1 billion. The sentence is actually streamlined by the presence of Law Number 1 of 1922 concerning the Criminal Code (KUHP). In the new Criminal Code, the imprisonment for corruptors is at least 2 years and a maximum of 20 years. For fines, a minimum of Rp. 10 million and a maximum of Rp. 2 billion.

Quoted from Katadata, throughout 2004-2022 there were 34 law enforcement officers involved in corruption cases. Of the total number, the panel of judges dominated 21 cases. A total of 10 cases were carried out by prosecutors, while there were 3 cases of police.

Prior to Hasbi Hasan, there were also judges who were charged with corruption articles. He is Sudrajad Dimyati, the Supreme Court judge who is also involved in the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative case. The Intidana KSP case dragged six judges in the Supreme Court. Apart from Hasbi and Dimyati, there is also Elly Tri Pangestu (who is being tried at the Bandung District Court), Prasetyo Nugroho (the defendant), and Edy Wibowo (the defendant).

Outside the Supreme Court institution, there is also a well-known judge who has fallen into a corruption case. The two judges came from the Constitutional Court, namely Akil Mochtar (for life) and Patrialis Akbar (he was sentenced to not 7 years).

Legal officials, 'Deputy God Your Majesty' should enforce the rule of law. Ironically, they actually commit corruption in order to enrich themselves or their groups. The highest legal institution that should be a place to complain for the community to seek justice has actually become a arena for business transactions for those seeking power and money.

Throughout 2004-2022 there were more than 1400 corruption cases handled by the KPK. A total of 310 people are members of the legislature, both at the central and regional levels. Regional leaders at level I and II total 154, as well as 260 corruption cases involving echelon III and I government officials.

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