هنا الإجراء لذبح الحيوانات القربانية خلال وباء COVID-19

JAKARTA - Eid al-Adha 1442 Hijri which falls on July 20, 2021, right on the last day of the Implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in the Capital City.

Although it is not known whether the Emergency PPKM will be extended or not, the COVID-19 pandemic still seems to be inseparable from the lives of the people of Jakarta, when Eid al-Adha arrives.

Therefore, it is still advised to avoid the risk of COVID-19 transmission by maintaining distance, washing hands with soap and running water, wearing masks, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds.

As reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 14, in order to maintain the implementation of Muslim worship on Eid al-Adha while the Emergency PPKM remains conducive, the DKI Jakarta Province Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) conveyed taushiyah (appeal) to Muslims who sacrificed during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, including:

1. Not to be in the crowd for a temporal time.

2. Not slaughtering qurban animals individually.

3. Not watching the qurban activity.

4. Everything is enough to be represented by a professional and trusted committee.

The sacrificial committee that acts as a representative of the person who sacrifices (al-mudhahhi) will carry out the provisions of the sharia law of sacrifice with the best attention to comfort, beauty, cleanliness (hygienic), and environmental order.

Head of the Halal Slaughter Division of the Center for Halal Science Studies at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) drh Supratikno said the representatives would be carried out starting from the purchase of the animal, its slaughter, to the distribution of the sacrificial meat.

You can even send representatives to other places whose zoning is considered safer from the coronavirus (green zone) so that the purchase and slaughter of the sacrificial animal is calmer and more useful when it is done there, then after completion, the meat is distributed to areas that need it more.

Indeed, if you can do it yourself, it is better to do it yourself, witness it yourself, peel and chop it yourself, and share it yourself. But what if you can't?

"Instead of slaughtering yourself so it is not halal, it is better to delegate it to those who can afford it," Supratikno said during an online discussion regarding the slaughter of Qurban held by the North Jakarta Food Security, Maritime, and Agriculture Sub-dept., Tuesday, July 13.

Streaming Qurban

Live broadcast technology in the network (digital streaming) is currently considered able to answer all the limitations of Jakarta residents in carrying out sacrificial services during Emergency PPKM.

The sacrificial committee should be creative in utilizing the latest streaming technology for the worshipers who sacrifice, so that they can still witness the process of buying, slaughtering, and distributing the sacrificial animals more transparently and without suspicion.

Even though they were not actually present to witness physically, at least the congregation continued to witness the sacrificial animal virtually. This will minimize the potential for misunderstanding between the committee and the congregation and make the sacrificial service run conducive.

It is not necessary that everyone has to come to the shelter or the sale of sacrificial animals to create a crowd.

The congregation just has to entrust the money to the committee to buy sacrificial animals that are old enough, healthy, and not disabled, according to the law.

​​​​If the sacrificial committee cannot hold the mandate, the sin will be borne by the committee. Meanwhile, people who make sacrifices do not need to be afraid of losing or having their reward reduced due to the committee's untrustworthy actions.

In the midst of the current surge in COVID-19 cases in DKI Jakarta, the mind must always be calm and away from the doubts that shackle our social life.

This is important so that the celebration of Eid al-Adha will be truly beneficial in our efforts to help others so that Indonesia will soon be free from the difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Because it is undeniable, many people who may be in trouble right now, will be helped by a little meat that we sacrifice during Eid al-Adha.

Maximizing Tasyrik Day

To avoid crowds, the slaughter of sacrificial animals should not be forced to finish on the day of nahar (10 Dzulhijjah) after the Eid prayer only.

Because, the day of the slaughter of sacrificial animals is also permissible and legal to do on Tasyrik Day (11, 12, 13 Dzulhijjah).

"From Jubair bin Math'am from the Prophet SAW. He said: "All Tasyrik days are the time of slaughter (sacrificial animals)". (Hadith narrated by Ahmad)

So if at that time there were a lot of animals that had to be sacrificed, the sacrificial committee could continue slaughtering the animals the next day or up to two days later. There is no need to force the cut to finish in one day.

Tasyrik day is included in the series of Eid al-Adha which is a day to eat and drink and remember and draw closer to Allah SWT (dhikrullah). On that day, Muslims are prohibited from fasting which is obligatory or sunnah.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the North Jakarta City Council of Indonesian Mosques, Ade Purnama, there is no merit in slaughtering between the four days.

"There is no priority (between) one day over another. This means that it doesn't have to be forced, everything has to be on the 10th of Eid al-Adha ba'da Salat Id, or all simultaneously on the 11th day, no," said Ade.

So it is permissible to choose the implementation of the slaughter of the sacrificial animal between the four days without worrying about the difference in the value of the reward that will be received.

"Because as in the hadith, ayyamut tasyriq, ayyamu akliwwa syurbiwwa dhikrullah, so the days of tasyrik are 11, 12, 13, are days for eating, drinking, and dhikrullah. , said Ade.

Slaughter law

It is recommended that the slaughter of sacrificial animals be carried out at the Slaughterhouse (RPH) because it is considered more adequate than other places to prepare the place.

However, if the congregation still wants to carry out the slaughter of sacrificial animals in their respective environments, it is also permissible, as long as the environment carries out a number of adequate preparations, in accordance with Islamic law.

In Islamic law, it teaches the importance of good treatment or ihsan to slaughtered animals so that the slaughter goes well and the slaughtered meat is halal and thayyib as well (Hadith narrated by Ahmad, Muslim, an-Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah).

According to the Head of the Halal Slaughter Division, the Center for Halal Science Studies, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) drh Supratikno, good treatment or ihsan on slaughtered animals can reduce the level of pain and stress received during slaughter.

"Although it is impossible to eliminate all the stress and pain, but at least we reduce it," said Supratikno.

It is therefore important to prepare for the environment or the design of the slaughterhouse. Stairs should be prepared to lower the sacrificial animal from the top of the vehicle to the place. If it is not permanent, it can be a temporary structure using sandbags arranged in such a way as to become a foothold.

Footing is important so that when the animal does not experience stress, injury, and even disability when forced to jump down from the vehicle that transports it.

Then a special slaughtering location is also prepared with a barrier so that it cannot be seen by animals that are still alive when the animal is slaughtered.

Also prepare a convenient transit place for the sacrificial animal. The place should be shaded, not noisy or crowded, and separate from the place of slaughter.

Then a separate waste disposal site is also prepared that does not interfere with clean water channels. Can be made in the form of a hole in the ground that does not interfere with the surrounding public waterways.

"Don't let us be accused of mass pollution on Muslim holidays, don't let that happen," Supratikno said.

​​​​The second preparation, pay attention to animal welfare. Do not mix different types of livestock, such as cattle separated from goats/sheep. The rope attached to the animal's neck is also not too short. And also provide enough drinking water.

Animals to be slaughtered should not be dehydrated, but fast for 12 hours before slaughter in order to reduce the contents of the rumen (stomach) and complete the conversion process of muscle fibers and blood vessels into meat.

The third preparation, having a competent officer to prepare the meat for distribution a maximum of six hours after the slaughter is done.

Meat should not be left 'wet' for longer than six hours lying around in the slaughterhouse, so that it remains fresh when cooked by mustahik or stored in the refrigerator.

But if you want to keep it fresh, the carcass should be hung after slaughter so that the blood is drained, drips down, and the surface of the meat becomes drier and stiffer because the ligormorphism is complete. During the day, it can be lifted from the hanger and handled more cleanly and dryly.

Fourth, do the slaughtering process correctly. Slaughter must cut three channels in the front of the neck / below the Adam's apple consisting of the respiratory tract (throat/trachea; hulqum), food tract (esophagus/esophagus; mari'), and blood vessels (carotid artery and jugular vein; wadajain).

Fifth, do not torture livestock. Before the animal actually dies, it is strictly forbidden to pierce its heart, skin it, cut its legs, cut its tail, and so on. To make sure the animal is completely dead after slaughter, then pay attention to whether there are still reflexes in the eyes, tail, and legs.

Deputy Chairperson of the North Jakarta City Council of Indonesian Mosques Ade Permana said that being a sacrificial committee was a mandate from the congregation to be carried out properly, according to the guidance of the Shari'a.

But the mandate should not ignore our efforts to protect ourselves and the surrounding environment from the transmission of COVID-19 with disciplined behavior in implementing health protocols during the Emergency PPKM period.

If later the Council of the Press Council for the Prosperity of the Mosque decides, never mind, just leave the sacrifices in our neighborhood to the Cakung Slaughterhouse, East Jakarta, for example. That's no problem, because it's legal, and it doesn't reduce the value of the trust you want to fulfill.

The teachings of Islam, which have the flexibility to be carried out by its adherents, sometimes give rise to answers when the current situation and conditions make it difficult for us to carry out worship normally.

Therefore, as pious Muslims, we should continue to do our best to carry out this worship for the sake of one goal, which is to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT.