Prabowo Still Considers Anies And Ganjar Brothers If They Become Elected As Presidents Of The Republic Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto said he would still consider his political opponents in the 2024 presidential election, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo as brothers if they were later elected as the 8th president of the Republic of Indonesia.

This was said by Prabowo during the closing statement of the last presidential candidate debate held by the Indonesian KPU at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Sunday, February 4, evening.

Prabowo initially apologized to Anies and Ganjar if during the debate there were offensive remarks, including in his campaign.

"We have been carrying out campaigns for several months, the important thing is that the spirit of contestation is sometimes full of harsh words, but our faith is good. I think the three candidate pairs want the best for the Indonesian people," Prabowo said when delivering his closing statement.

"Therefore, on behalf of Prabowo-Gibran and the Forward Indonesia Coalition, apologize to Mr. Anies and Mr. Ganjar, if there are words that are not pleasing. We also apologize to the KPU if there are words that are not right," he continued.

The Minister of Defense appealed to all circles to maintain harmony. Especially harmony with leaders in Indonesia. Prabowo promised to still consider Anies and Ganjar as brothers if given the mandate as president.

"I still consider Mr. Anies and Mr. Ganjar my brother, when Prabowo-Gibran with God's permission accepts the mandate of the people, I will be president to the people of Indonesia," said Prabowo.

"To all Indonesian people, including those who do not vote and do not believe in me, we are determined to eliminate hunger and efficacy in Indonesia. We are fighting to eliminate corruption, we are fighting to create Indonesian peace," he continued.

The general chairman of the Gerindra Party also expressed his gratitude to the previous Indonesian presidents. Starting from Soekarno, Suharto, BJ Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), Megawati and Joko Widodo.

"Our enemy is poverty and hunger, people's difficulties. We build our nation just and prosperous for all," he concluded.