PSSI Referee Committee Deputy Says Indonesian Referees Need Physical Improvement

JAKARTA - Deputy Chair of the PSSI Referee Committee, Yoshimi Ogawa, revealed the fact that field referees in Indonesia still need improvement. The man from South Korea said one of the most important factors that needed to be addressed was physical condition.

He said that physical strength is an important factor in supporting the referee's performance on the field. This was conveyed by Ogawa after a discussion agenda with the media in South Jakarta on Monday, November 20 2023.

“In June 2023 I came here to observe the (referee) fitness test, but without practical training. "The fitness level of some referees is quite good, but some referees need to improve," said Yoshini Ogawa after the discussion.

“Maybe more than 50 percent of the referees are good. "However, the rest, related to League 1 and League 2 referees, should have their fitness improved," he continued.

Seeing the physical problems that occurred among the referees, Yoshimi Ogawa did not remain silent. He came up with several programs specifically to improve the physique. Apart from that, his presence is also to provide the latest material regarding LOTG aka Laws of The Games.

“We will continue support programs like this for referees and assistant referees. Of course they will improve that," he explained.

“Especially today, I shared with you (media members) how we can analyze their performance, how we can provide feedback to them.”

"Then, based on that input, how can they improve it (the material) for the next match," explained Yoshimi.

Even though he conveyed input regarding the shortcomings that occurred in the Indonesian refereeing sector, Yoshimi Ogawa also asked that he be given time to process things better.

"This is very important so I can't say (about performance), please give us time to see the improvement," he concluded.