Imitating Corruptor's Style After Being Examined, ICW Values Firli Bahuri Panic Confirming Allegations Of Being Involved In SYL Extortion
JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) highlighted the style of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri who hid in his car's rear seat and covered his face after being questioned by Polda Metro Jaya on Thursday, November 16.This style is considered to justify the public's suspicion that he was involved in the alleged extortion of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo."The apparent panic from Firli's actions has caused prejudice and may even lead to beliefs in the community that he is indeed involved in extortion and meetings with litigants," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana in a written statement, Friday, November 17.Kurnia said Firli seemed to remind the public of corruptors' habits to avoid media crews. "If you feel right, why are you afraid like that," he said."As is often seen in the KPK, corruptors wearing orange vests are always looking for tactics to run away from journalists. The difference between the two is practically just their clothes. Corruptors wear vests while Firli wears batik," Firli continued.Meanwhile, the KPK has not responded to the attitude of its chairman who seemed to be hiding after being questioned by the police. Likewise with Firli.However, the former Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Era of the KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo had sent a written statement through the Head of the News Section. There are a number of points in the statement, including the matter of his examination at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police."That KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri was examined as a witness on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 and a follow-up examination was carried out on Thursday, November 16," Firli said as quoted from his written statement.Furthermore, Firli explained about the search at his house. He said, from the house in Bekasi no items were confiscated by the police."Meanwhile, at the rental house on Jalan Kertanegara 46, South Jakarta, there were three items confiscated in the form of locks and gate locks, black wallets, and key to the keyless car," said the retired Bhayangkara Corps.The claim is that the object brought by Polda Metro Jaya investigators is not related to allegations that are being investigated by the police. "I, Firli Bahuri, stated that there has never been any activity of extorting, gratification, and bribery," said Firli.Previously reported, Firli had undergone a second examination on Thursday, November 16. After being questioned, he left a building in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police at around 14:36 WIB and immediately got into a black car with license plate number B 1917 TJQ.Then, Firli was seen leaning like lying in a car by lowering the back of the chair. He tried to cover his face with a black bag.
Meanwhile, the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said there were 15 questions asked by investigators.It was not clearly stated what investigators studied from the dozens of questions raised. Ade only emphasized the investigation process to investigate allegations of extortion and or receiving gratuities.