Menparekraf Sandiaga Calls Tourism Foreign Exchange Capai 6 Billion US Dollars

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno explained the performance of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy based on the performance of the main performance indicator (IKU) or the assessment of the bureaucratic reform index in 2023 to Commission X DPR RI.

Menparekraf Sandiaga said that the realization of IKU's performance in the third quarter of 2023 had exceeded the specified target.

The value of tourism foreign exchange has reached more than USD 6 billion with a contribution of tourism GDP of 3.76 percent. The export value of creative economy products (ekraf) reached USD 11.82 billion and an added value of IDR 691.75 trillion.

Next, the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) ranking as of November 14 is in position 32. Menparekraf targets this position to creep up to the top 30.

Then, the number of tourism and creative economy workers is also above the target. In total, it absorbs more than 45 million workers. With details, as many as 21.93 million tourism workers and 24.34 creative workers.

For foreign tourists themselves, it is targeted to reach 8.5 million visits, by September 2023 8.51 million visits have been achieved.

"Alhamdulillah, we have reached a very proud figure and this recovery is increasingly felt by the community because this achievement is far above the target that we have revised several times," said Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga in a written statement, quoted Thursday, November 16.

Sandiaga said, thanks to this good performance, his party managed to achieve the highest performance value from 7 ministries/agencies under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. With a value of 100 for the k/l target, it supports priority and a value of 98.5 for the k/l project to support priority.

Even so, the movement of domestic tourists as of September 2023 has only reached 50 percent or around 626 million of the total target of 1.2-1.4 billion movements.

"Therefore, we need to adjust the target. We are coordinating with BPS and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs so that this target can be adjusted. In the future, we will continue to report on the target of this Wissue movement," he said.

On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Wamenparekraf) Angela Tanoesoedibjo added, the realization of the 2023 TA Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy expenditure as of November 12, 2023 has reached 73.43 percent or IDR 2.5 trillion of the total ceiling of IDR 3.4 trillion.

"The realization of the 2023 national priority program as of November 12, 2023, is IDR 1.2 trillion or 70.57 percent of the total national priority ceiling of IDR 1.7 trillion," he said.

The 2023 national priority program includes strengthening economic resilience for quality and fair growth, improving quality and competitive human resources, and strengthening infrastructure to support economic development and basic services.

In addition, Angela also conveyed a series of multiplier effects created from various international sporting events, such as MotoGP Mandalika (13-15 October 2023), F1H20 Lake Toba (24-26 February 2023), Superbike World Championship (3-5 March 2023), LEtape Indonesia by Tour de France (26-28 May 2023), and FIBA World Cup (25 August-10 September 2023).

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission X Abdul Fikri Faqih appreciated the achievement of the bureaucratic reform index assessment indicator in 2023 at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy with a positive trend.

Regarding the realization of the budget, Commission X of the DPR RI encourages the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to accelerate follow-up steps on obstacles or problems from the realization of the Ministry's program and national priorities.

"So that the realization can be increased above 95 percent or according to the target at the end of December 2023," he said.