Grandpa 61 Years Of Kidnapping And Marriage Of Vocational High School Students In Cianjur

CIANJUR - Grandpa AK alias Kumis was arrested by police officers from the Campaka Police, Cianjur. The reason is, this 61-year-old grandfather kidnapped and married a minor who was still in a vocational school. AK married the vocational student without his parents' knowledge.

The perpetrator was arrested at his residence in Cijoho Village, Warungkondang District, Cianjur, West Java.

Previously, the police conducted an investigation and deepening of reports from the victim's family who had lost a child.

In the process of arresting, the perpetrator had fought against the officers. The perpetrator also had time to escape, fortunately the police were able to arrest the perpetrator.

Campaka Police Chief, Ipda Eko Waluyo said the victims and perpetrators only got to know each other for two weeks after meeting at a community activity held in Campaka District.

"The perpetrator and the victim first met at an activity in the area where the child lived, and then the alleged perpetrator was also there, then the perpetrator invited acquaintances and exchanged cellphone numbers, resulting in a relationship via Whatsapp," said Eko.

Eko explained that the perpetrator persuaded the victim so that the victim wanted to marry the perpetrator. The victim was lured to buy a motorbike and finance the school. The perpetrators were desperate to take the victim away from his school without the knowledge of his parents.

"With persuasion, the perpetrator managed to take the victim away from his school and was taken to his house. The victim was married without the knowledge of her parents. After marriage, immoral acts occurred to the victim," he continued.

Eko added that the current condition of the victim has gradually improved, his party together with the Social Service provide assistance to eliminate the taste of taruma.

Meanwhile, to account for his actions, the perpetrators are now threatened with Article 322 of the Criminal Code and Article 82 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.