Waskita Working On The Patimban Port Access Toll Road Package 2, Its Value Reaches IDR 873 Billion

JAKARTA - PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk is ready to work on the National Strategic Project (PSN), namely the Patimban Paket 2 Access Toll Road Construction Project with a contract value of Rp. 873 billion.

The construction of this project is a form of Waskita's support for the connectivity of logistics flows to the Patimban Port mega project located in Subang, West Java.

As support for the construction of this infrastructure connectivity, a ceremony for signing the Patimban Access Toll Road Construction Project Package 1, 2 and 3 work contract was attended by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono at the PUPR Main Building, South Jakarta on Friday, November 10, 2023.

The signing of the Patimban Access Toll Road Construction Project Package 2 work contract which was achieved by Waskita was carried out between the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) 4 of West Java Province Tomy Anitianata and SVP Infrastructure II Division Fatkhur Rozaq.

Director of Operations II Dhetik Ariyanto explained that this Toll Road will connect Patimban Port with the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road, West Java and also as support for development for surrounding areas.

"The purpose of building the Patimban Access Toll Road is to improve connectivity in West Java and facilitate the flow of logistics and export activities for imports sourced from the Cikarang-Cibitung-Karawang to Cikampek industrial areas to Patimban Port," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, November 14.

Dhetik explained that the Patimban Access Toll Road has a total length of 37.05 km, along which 14.11 km will be built by the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) and 22.94 km will be built by the Government and Waskita will work along 6.2 km.

"Waskita will mobilize all resources and implement digitalization technology which is currently our advantage in construction work. Hopefully this project can run smoothly by paying attention to the best quality and completion on time," said Dhetik.

Waskita's joint operation work with Brantas Abipraya with a portion of Waskita of 60 percent while Abipraya 40 percent. The project with funding sources from the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) takes 700 days or 23 months of construction work with a work scope including road construction, bridges, overpasses, pedestrian box and box culvert.

Sebagai informasi sebelumnya Waskita telah mengerjakan pekerjaan Paket 5 Terminal Kendaraan Pelabuhan Patimban pada Desember 2022 dengan nilai kontrak Rp3,7 triliun.

This project was carried out with joint ventures (TWH) namely TOA 60 percent Japan, Waskita 16 percent, Wakachiku 10 percent Japan, HK 8 percent, Abipraya 6 percent, where Waskita is the leader of Indonesian contractors and TOA as the leader of Japanese contractors.

During the signing ceremony last Friday, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimoeljono said that Patimban Toll Access was eagerly awaited and greatly determined the success of Patimban Port in its export-import activities.

"I hope the role of contributions from all service providers can compete positively, not only quality and speed but also paying attention to the aesthetic value of toll roads so that we can show the better quality of toll roads that we build. Because no one can build other than on this list, Waskita, Brantas, PP, HK, Wika, Adhi and Jaya," said Basuki.