56 Thousand Animals In Jakarta Have Been Injected With Rabies This Year

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Fisheries Security Service (KPKP) is intensifying the injection of vaccinations for rabies-infectious animals (HPR) in Jakarta.

From January to October 2023, 56,173 animals have been vaccinated against rabies by the city-level KPKP service tribe.

"The total number of rabies vaccinations until October 31, 2023 in DKI Jakarta is 56,173," said Head of the DKI Jakarta KPKP Office Suharini Eliawati to reporters, Tuesday, November 14.

The number that has been vaccinated this year exceeds the target of injecting the DKI Provincial Government HPR vaccination, which is 45,735 heads within one year.

"Most of them are cats. There are 42,973," said Suharini.

Meanwhile, other animals that were vaccinated against rabies included 12,748 dogs, 300 monkeys, and 152 civets. Some of the animals are generally kept by residents.

Furthermore, Suharini ensured that until now there had been no findings or reports of dogs, cats, apes and civets exposed to rabies.

"Alhamdulillah, there are no (discovery or reports of rabies cases). Hopefully it will always be maintained or zero cases in DKI Jakarta," said Suharini.

Until November 2023, the DKI KPKP Office again intensified rabies vaccination injections for residents' pet HPRs spread across five areas of the capital.

This free injection of vaccine for HPR is carried out in the Manggarai Village area, Tebet, South Jakarta. The rabies vaccination process is carried out to maintain that DKI is free of rabies, and to keep owners free from disease.

It is known, rabies is a disease that attacks the immune system of the animal and can be transmitted to humans. This disease is transmitted through saliva, open wounds, and bites. If an animal with rabies is not treated immediately, it can be fatal.

rabies disease can be caused by the bite of infected animals. There are several symptoms that can appear in rabies-infected cats, namely frequent saliva, becoming aggressive, to changing behavior so restless and uneasy.