10 Loans With The Largest Credit Disbursement In Indonesia, Most Debt To What Platform?

YOGYAKARTA - The use of online loan services by the public is increasing from year to year, as many loan platforms have emerged. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) said that there were 10 loan financial technology (fintech) that became the highest loan distributors. So what are the loans with the largest lending in Indonesia?
OJK published a roadmap for the development and strengthening of the fintech lending industry 2023-2028. Based on data from the road map, the fintech lending industry is considered to still have healthy market conditions. Not a single company dominates lending or financing. So you could say there is competition in the loan industry, which is very high or tight.
There are various fintech pinjol that are widely chosen by the public to get a loan or credit. There are 10 loans with the largest credit distribution in Indonesia based on data from the OJK.
Fintech pinjol, which has the largest market share in lending in the August 2023 period, namely PT Lentera Dana Nusantara. Fintech online loans are known to channel loans reaching IDR 4.43 trillion or equivalent to 21.59 percent of the industry.
In the period August 2023, PT Lentera Dana Nusantara has the largest market share in terms of lending, which is IDR 4.43 trillion or 21.59%, reported from the Roadmap for the Development and Strengthening of LPBBTI 2023 2028, on Sunday (12/11/2023).
With the SPinjam loan platform, PT Lentera Dana Nusantara provides cash loan services without collateral. The service is provided with a monthly installment feature for consumers who make purchases or purchases on the e-commerce platform.
Not only SPinjam, a number of loan platforms were also recorded as obtaining many consumers or users of loan and fund services. The following are 10 loan providers with the largest lending in the country:
The OJK stated that the strengthening of the Infornation Technology-Based Joint Funding Service (LPBBTI) 2023-2028 experienced an increase in lending. The growth of loans disbursed has continued since 2018.
In December 2022, lending through loans increased by 71.09 percent. The accumulated funding from loans as of August 2023 reached Rp677.51 trillion with an outstanding funding of Rp53.12 trillion.
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However, the majority of these loans were channeled to the non-productive sector as much as 60.95 percent of the total loans in August this year. Financing for the MSME sector is still low, only 36.52 percent of the total loans for the same month period.
That's the review of loans with the largest lending in Indonesia. Fintech pinjol SPinjam, a subsidiary of Shopee, forges the top order as the highest lending distributor. However, the competition for the fintech pinjol industry market is still very competitive or no one dominates.
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