Opinion Of Legal Practitioners Regarding The Decision Of The Distribution Of Royalties Virgoun And Inara Rusli

The decision of the West Jakarta Religious Court to grant Inara Rusli's demands for economic rights or royalties from four songs created by Virgoun is interesting to discuss.

The reason is, there has been no legal decision in Indonesia that includes song royalties as shared assets in divorce cases.

This was confirmed by Ari Juliano Gema, a legal practitioner who has handled many copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) cases. He has also worked for several government agencies for his capacity.

"I've never found a similar case," said Ari Juliano Gema via text message to VOI on Sunday, November 12.

Ari argues that the panel of judges may decide by looking at the songs created by Virgoun, created when they are still bound by the status of marriage with Inara Rusli.

"Basically, the judge decided to royalties on the song as a shared treasure, perhaps because he considered the royalties as income obtained after marriage. Moreover, there is no barbaric agreement," he said.

However, Inara Rusli's path to get royalties from Virgoun could be dashed if the Last Child vocalist diverts or sells his songs to other parties.

"However, there may be problems if then Virgoun diverts or sells the songs to other parties because there is no court decision prohibiting Virgoun from selling his songs," said Ari Juliano Gema.

"So that the income from the sale of these songs is not royalties so it cannot be considered as shared property," he said.

For information, Arjana Bagaskara as Inara Rusli's attorney said that the West Jakarta Religious Court through its decision stated that Inara Rusli was entitled to royalties from four songs created by Virgoun, namely Love Letter for Starla, Evidence, Congratulations (Goodbye), and People. The same.

"In that decision, we ask, we demand that it be related to the distribution of Notch royalties, now it turns out that the panel granted it. Because legally, royalties are economic rights that are derived from Virgoun's songs. Now, for this royalty, Inara has the right to half a share, "said Arjana Bagaskara when contacted by VOI, Sunday, November 12.