DKI DPRD Candidates Get Tricked, Promised To Get IDR 30 Billion For Campaign Capital, As Long As You Buy A Suitcase Of IDR 30 Million

JAKARTA - NZ (52) a middle-aged woman was forced to deal with the Tambora Police for cases of fraud and embezzlement targeting legislative candidates (Caleg) for the 2024 General Election.

In the action, the woman who is a resident of Lubang Buaya Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta, is in the mode of promising a loan without collateral for campaign funds for the legislative candidates.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama explained that fraud and embezzlement were successfully uncovered after one of the victims with the initials M (58), a candidate for the DKI Jakarta DPRD who lives in Jembatan Besi Village, Tambora District, reported the incident to the Tambora Police.

The candidate for the DKI Jakarta DPRD has been deceived by NZ perpetrators with a loss of Rp. 23 million. Initially, the NZ perpetrator asked the victim for Rp. 30 million as a condition for buying a suitcase to bring loan money worth Rp. 30 billion.

"Because victim M (58) did not have Rp30 million in cash, M was only able to send money to perpetrator NZ (52) amounting to Rp23 million on August 30, then. Then the perpetrator NZ promised to lend four suitcases worth only 20 billion rupiah," said Kompol Putra to VOI, Sunday, November 12.

In the action, the perpetrator MZ claimed to act as a broker or agent but the results of the examination turned out that the victim's money was spent by the perpetrator NZ.

The victim has known the NZ perpetrator since 2014, when they were both volunteers as one of the political parties.

"The perpetrator NZ committed fraud against victim M by admitting that the perpetrator knew a financier in Solo, Central Java. The financier said the perpetrator could issue loan funds without collateral for a legislative candidate (Caleg)," he said.

To convince the victim, the NZ perpetrator asked the victim for requirements regarding the submission of proposals, paid the cost of purchasing a suitcase that would be used as a container for storing money and paying the cost of purchasing a money counter machine.

"Each suitcase is promised to be filled with Rp5 billion," he said.

NZ perpetrators also promised to provide loan funds without collateral with details that DPRD candidates could borrow IDR 30 to IDR 50 billion. And the Regent or Mayor can be loaned IDR 60 billion.

"The reason for the perpetrators, there are only three requirements requested by the lender, namely: submitting proposals for activities along with budget needs, paying the cost of purchasing a suitcase for a place of Rp. 5 million per rupiah per suitcase and paying the machine fee for a counter of Rp. 15 million per machine," he said.

Pelaku NZ meminta uang Rp30 juta kepada korban untuk membeli syarat keperluan. Dikatakan pelaku NZ, satu koperjanji dapat diisikan hingga Rp 5 miliar.Korban M pun tergiur atas katan pelaku. Korban pun tertarik meminjam uang di angka maksimal yaitu pinjaman sebesar Rp 30 miliar.

The perpetrator MZ asked the victim to buy 6 suitcases to store money. The purchase funds were 1 unit of a suitcase of Rp. 5 million. So the perpetrator asked the victim for money with initial funds of Rp. 30 million.

However, after the victim M sent Rp23 million to the account of the perpetrator NZ, the loan money promised by NZ did not come true. After two weeks later, the four suitcases containing Rp20 billion that the victim had been waiting for were not received.

"When the victim M asked for loan money to NZ, he was always answered to wait patiently, until Sunday, November 5, 2023, the victim reported this fraud incident to the Tambora Police. We also managed to arrest the perpetrator," he said.

As a result of his actions, NZ perpetrators were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a threat of up to four years in prison.

"The NZ perpetrator has been detained at the Tambora Police," he said.