Nadiem Makarim Supports AJI, Expects Journalist Training Program To Continue Until 2024

JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim gave approval to the request of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Management to continue the Indonesian Journalism School (SJI) program to improve journalists' competence. It is hoped that the SJI training program can be carried out again in 2024 with budget support from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Nadiem Anwar Makarim expressed his support when receiving the Central PWI management, led by the General Chairperson Hendry Ch Bangun. The meeting was also attended by other PWI administrators, such as the Head of the Education Division M Nasir, the Deputy Secretary General of Raja Pane, as well as several senior PWI and SJI teachers, such as Sakti Siregar. From the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Acting Head of the Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau Anang Ristanto, SE., MA, and the Secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational Education Saryadi Guyatno was also present.

In a meeting in his office on November 10, Nadiem Makarim stated that he was familiar with the PWI organization because he had lived in the PWI Complex, Cipinang, Jakarta. His father, Nono Anwar Makarim, was one of the national press figures and the Chief Editor of our Daily. As a journalist and figure in the class 66, Nono Anwar Makarim really cares about journalists' education issues.

After hearing the presentation from the Chairman of PWI Hendry Ch Bangun and SJI Kerah Sakti teachers, Nadiem Makarim gave a positive response. According to him, SJI is a very good journalistic training program and is carried out by a trusted organization, so it is feasible to continue.

Previously, Nadiem Makarim asked several things related to SJI, including the participants and the duration of his training program. Hendry explained that the SJI participants consisted of young journalists with a duration of one week of training. The editor attended training for three days, while the main journalist was one day. SJI teachers are senior press figures and journalists who share their knowledge, experience, and values of struggle.

"SJI is a very good program. We will try to allocate a budget to continue the SJI program," said Nadiem in a written statement received by VOI on November 11.

The SJI activity had stopped in 2017/2018, mainly due to budget constraints and the Covid-19 pandemic. Previously, the SJI activity was financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture with a budget allocation of Rp. 1 billion, aiming for journalists' competence to be evenly distributed to the regions.

Regarding journalistic training for journalists in the regions, Nadiem submitted several proposals that could be harmonized with policies at the Ministry of Education and Culture. One of them is holding journalistic training online so that participants are more expensive and more affordable.

"PWI can also create mini-campus. This is a way to establish universities without having to build buildings. Use existing facilities. This is in line with the policy of Merdeka Learning and the Merdeka Campus (MBKM)," said Nadiem.

For the Merdeka Campus Program, the Ministry of Education and Culture provides a platform and budget, if PWI is interested in making mini universities. "About the curriculum, teachers can be prepared by PWI," added Nadiem.

After holding an audience with Nadiem Anwar Makarim, the General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, stated that he would study and follow up on opportunities for cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture, especially regarding the equitable distribution of journalists in regions and the needs of PWI organizations.