In Front Of 1,349 People's Elements, Try Sutrisno Conveys Constitutional Presidium Information

JAKARTA - Vice President of the VI Republic of Indonesia, Try Sutrisno read out and submitted the Constitutional Presidium Declaration to representatives of MPR members in front of 1,349 elements of the people at the Nusantara IV Building Parliament Complex.

The declaration contains pressure to the MPR to hold an MPR Session with a single agenda to restore the Indonesian state system according to the formation of the nation's founders which is contained in the 1945 Constitution of the original manuscript or before the amendments were made from 1999 to 2002.

The declaration submitted by Try Sutrisno accompanied by the Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Deputy Chairperson of the DPD RI Nono Sampono, Professor of Philosophy UGM Prof Kaelan, General Chairperson of PP Pemuda Panca Marga Berto Izaak Doko, Deputy Woman Mirah Sumirat, and Deputy Ulama KH Fadholi Muh Ruham, received by members of the MPR RI, M Syukur (Jambi), Bustami Zainuddin (Lampung), Alirman Sori (West Sumatra), Bambang Santoso (Bali), Fachrul Razi (Aceh) and Sylviana Murni (DKI Jakarta).

Try Sutrisno said that despite the submission of the Constitutional Presidium Council's Decree without being attended by the MPR RI leadership, he asked all elements of the people present not to be discouraged and to continue to strive to restore the 1945 Constitution of the original manuscript.

"We will definitely find a way. In fact, with the presence of this 1,349 participants, it shows sincerity, obedience, glory, and the struggle of the Indonesian people," said Try Sutrisno, Friday, November 10.

According to him, the current course of government has violated the thoughts and desires of the founding fathers of the nation. So, Try Sutrisno invited all elements of the nation to straighten their minds on the noble ideals of the nation, as contained in the 1945 Constitution of the original text which is guided by Pancasila.

"We have to return Pancasila democracy. Now it's said to be more democratic. What is democratic? Democracy is just a means. Each has a basis, namely the nation's culture. It cannot be equated with other nations. How can this false state be considered more democratic. We must be aware, introspection is back, we will immediately return to the right path," said Try Sutrisno, while stating that borrowing the current millennial generation term, is that this nation is not doing well.

A number of figures participated in conveying ideas in their speeches. Former Komnas HAM member Prof. Hafidz Abbas, for example, said that the founding fathers of the nation and their heroes had passed on to us Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as a guideline for the life of the nation and state.

"No other country has it. There is no more beautiful value than Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which was extracted from the archipelago and the civilization of the archipelago," he said.

Meanwhile, former Minister of Health, Siti Fadillah Supari, emphasized that amendments to the 1945 Constitution in 1999-2002 really resulted in policies that left the interests of the people and Pancasila norms. "So, at this time we must immediately return to the 1945 Constitution of the original manuscript. Don't postpone it, don't wait. We must immediately return to the 1945 Constitution to improve the fate of this nation in the future. We support the five state proposals of the DPD RI," added Siti Fadillah Supari.

Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI, Nono Sampono said, Indonesia must imitate other countries, where amendments do not change the basic order of the country.

"So, returning to the 1945 Constitution, the original manuscript is the right and right way. If there is an adjustment, let's do it," he said.

The Constitutional Presidium Council's declaration read by Try Sutrisno contains three points. First, urge and ask the MPR RI to hold an MPR Session with a Single Agenda to Restore the State System in accordance with the formula of the Founder of the Nation through the re-establishment of the 1945 Constitution which was in effect before Amendments from 1999 to 2002, which included the Opening, Body Steering and Explanatory.

Second, make amendments to the Constitution that took effect before the amendments from 1999 to 2002, as referred to above, with addendum techniques, in order to Improve and Strengthen People's Sovereignty and Prosperity by referring to the enthusiasm and demands of the Reformation in 1998, of which are restrictions on the term of office of the president, the abolition of KKN and law enforcement, as well as referring to the State Proposal of the DPD RI and Academic and Empirical Studies.

Third, immediately fill out the Regional Envoy and Group Envoy as part of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia which comes from elements of the nation as a manifestation of a complete People's Institution, as well as forming a Supreme Advisory Council Meanwhile, in the shortest possible time.

Present and support the Presidium Constitutional Declaration in addition to a number of figures mentioned above, among others, Asrul Azis Taba (entrepreneurs), Batara R Hutagalung (religious), Suko Sudarso (community figures), Ida R Kusdianti (representation of mothers), Prof Sofian Effendi (Former Chancellor of UGM), Chusnul Mar'iyah (women activist), Father Asun Gotama (Deputy Secretary General of WALUBI), Admiral TNI (Ret.) Slamet Subianto (Former KSAL), Indra Bambang Utoyo (FKPPI), Nurhayati Assegaf (Former Member of the DPR), Gus Aam Wahab Hasbullah (grandson of founder of NU), KH Ali Badri Zaini (East Java Ulama), Togar Mjah (representation of Pemuda Pancasila), Prof Son Diamar (ITB), Prof Daniel M Rosyid (ITS), and a number of students as well as other elements of society.