Anies Agrees With PKS' Proposal On Amin's Partner Using The Strategy For The DKI Gubernatorial Election In The 2024 Presidential Election

Spokesperson for Anies Baswedan (Anies-Muhaimin Campaign Team), Andi Sinulingga, agreed with the proposal of the Chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera regarding the 2024 presidential election strategy. Namely for the Anies-Imin or AMIN pair to use Anies-Sandi's winning strategy in the 2017 DKI gubernatorial election.

"The proposal is good in my opinion, I agree, because the canvasing is very good and the AMIN team has sufficient capabilities there, especially since the Muhaimin team in East Java was added to which we were weak," said Andi Sinulingga when met by VOI in the Mampang Prapatan area, Thursday, November 9.

"Second, (by) maximizing public issues," he continued.

Meanwhile, Mardani suggested that the Anies-Imin pair should also get to know themselves, know their enemies and know Medan combat if they want to win the 2024 presidential election.

Andi assessed that the canvas of the last DKI gubernatorial election that was good was the candidate pair's approach in the campaign. For example, greeting people from door to door.

However, the former Golkar Party cadre underlined the different issues between the 2017 DKI Pilgub and the 2024 presidential election. Where the DKI Pilkada was thick about religious issues after Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's remarks which were deemed insulting to Al Maidah's letter.

"If the DKI Pilkada is the door to door canvas, there is that approach. But there are different public sentiments," said Andi.

"I describe this, there are things that can be taken from DKI, the canvasing needs to be taken but the public issues are different. At that time, the issue in the public was the issue of Ahok's statement on Pulau Seribu, the earthquake, the anger of the people. Today, what is the issue that caused the earthquake? The Constitutional Court. That's different, right, but there are still big different issues," explained Andi.

Therefore, Andi considered, it is not impossible that the 2024 presidential election strategy would'settle' the issue of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding decisions related to the age limit for vice presidential candidates who are considered ethical defects.

"But the incident is different and this (MK) issue will take a long time. Because in my opinion, especially the educated middle-independent group, it must be uncomfortable with this issue," explained Andi.

"So in the past, in my opinion, the issue of Ahok's mouth quoted him as interpreting those who were not his religion, now people are angry that there is a judge at the Constitutional Court for interpreting the Law on the Age Limit themselves," he added.