Limited Production Forest Of PT Tempirai Palm Resort Fire, 53 South Sumatra Police Personnel Deployed

SUMSEL - South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) extinguished forest and land fires (karhutla) in the limited production forest area (HPT) PT Tempirai Palm Resort, East Pedamaran, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency (OKI). "The team consisting of 53 personnel from the South Sumatra Regional Police Directorate and the South Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit was dispatched to the location of the HPT tempirai palm resort in East Pedamaran, OKI Regency to extinguish the fire in the area on Thursday, November 2, 2023 morning," said Head of Sub-Division of the South Sumatra Police Penmas AKBP Yenni Diarty when confirmed, Thursday 2 November, confiscated by Antara. He explained that the team consisting of personnel from the Dit Samapta and the South Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit was released by the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol A Rachmad Wibowo a few days ago who joined Manggala Agni had succeeded in extinguishing the fire at the HPT tempirai palm resort, East Damaran Kab OKI, Thursday 2 November morning. According to him, the team led by Kompol Agus Apri Irawanto went to comb the HPT tempirai palm resort to carry out monitoring as well as extinguishing at the recorded hotspots.

Selain itu tim Dit Samapta dan Satuan Brimob Polda Sumsel bersama Manggala Agni melakukan pencegahan kebakaran lahan dengan cara membasahi lahan di sekitar titik api dan mengilangkan bahan bahan yang mudah terbakar disekitar lokasi dengan radius 1,5 Kilometer sehingga walaupun ada terpaan angin kencang tidak akan menyambar ke lokasi lain.Adapun peralatan yang digunakan yaitu dua doublecabin Ditsamapta dan dua truk Satuan Brimob Polda Sumsel.

This activity continues as well as educating the surrounding community not to burn the land because it damages the environment which results in smoke or air pollution.