DKI Provincial Government Affirms Emission Test Tickets Also Applicable Official Vehicles And General Transportation

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, emphasized that the emission test ticket does not only apply to private vehicles. Government official vehicles can also be the target of vehicle ticketing that does not pass the emission test.

Some time ago, the DKI Provincial Government sanctioned official cars belonging to the Central Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Sub-dept. which emitted quite thick smoke from the exhaust of its vehicle while crossing Jalan Mampang Prapatan Raya, Tegal Parang, South Jakarta.

"All (vehicles did not pass the ticketed emission test). At that time, there had also been a viral vehicle that had a wish, we also immediately took action," said Asep while reviewing the implementation of the emission test ticket in East Jakarta, Wednesday, November 1.

Not only that, Asep said that public transportation was also targeted by emission test raids. In this regard, the Department of Transportation has conducted free emission tests that facilitate public transportation at the terminal.

"The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has conducted free emission tests at terminals like that in Kampung Rambutan, and it is more intended for intercity bus vehicles and truck vehicles. So, it is hoped that it will apply to all types of vehicles," he explained.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Polda Metro Jaya have again held raids and ticketing vehicles that did not pass the test at a number of points in Jakarta today. The emission test ticket will take effect until the end of 2023.

Asep said the main target of vehicles that would be stopped and carried out checking exhaust emissions was vehicles more than three years old, as seen from the police number.

"Vehicles over the age of 3 years are not targeted, but indeed we ask that all vehicles passing through these points, which are estimated to be more than 3 years old, we will stop their vehicle age and then carry out emission test checks," said Asep.

However, vehicles that are not yet 3 years old can also be raided. In general, police officers and the Transportation Service will randomly stop vehicles to check their emission tests and impose a ticket if they are declared not to have passed

However, Asep said that vehicles that emit thick smoke will definitely be raided regardless of the age of their vehicles. "Indeed, if it is easy, the eye of the vehicle emitting smoke is quite thick, most likely the emission is not maintained," said Asep.

Initially, the emission test ticket had been running since September 1, 2023. However, the implementation was only carried out in the first week and the Metro Police decided to stop it.

At that time, the emission test ticket was temporarily suspended to provide opportunities for the public to undergo emission tests in order to control air pollution in Jakarta. Now, the DKI Provincial Government has recorded that more and more emission tests are being carried out. Thus, the emission test ticket has been effective.

Vehicles that do not pass the emission test will be subject to fines in the form of fines ranging from IDR 250 thousand to IDR 500 thousand.

2-wheeled vehicles are subject to a fine of Rp. 250 thousand. Meanwhile, 4-wheeled vehicles are Rp. 500 thousand. The amount of fines is regulated in accordance with Article 285 Paragraph 1 and Article 276 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ).