Collaboration Between Princess Ariani And Dewa Budjana For Other Musicians Kagum

JAKARTA - Dewa Budjana, through his Instagram account, uploaded a moment when collaborating with Princess Ariani.

Not on stage, the two of them looked relaxed sitting on the sofa in a room. They collaborated to perform one of the national songs, Tanah Airku.

The video clip for the song Tanah Airku was created by Mrs. Sud. With @arianinismaputri, "wrote Dewa Budjana, Monday, October 30.

Starting with the intro from Dewa Budjana who plays acoustic guitar, Princess Ariani carefully sings my Indonesian verse.

Then, Dewa Budjana played a solo part and was greeted with a little improvisation from Princess Ariani.

In the last section, Putri Ariani again sang the verse for the song Tanah Airku. Unlike the first part, the 17-year-old singer defended her with a song melody.

At the end, Dewa Budjana and Putri Ariani ended the song in a sweet way.

The collaboration between Putri Ariani and Dewa Budjana attracted the attention of several musicians who looked amazed. They showed their appreciation through the comments column.

"Indah... @dewabudjana @arianinismaputri," wrote Ronie Udara.

Meanwhile, Sruti Respati gave a 'like' emoji to the collaboration of Putri Ariani and Dewa Budjana.