Fadli Zon Encourages The Acceleration Of I-EU CEPA, To Strengthen Economic Cooperation And Strategic Issues

STRASBOURG As a form of reflection of increasingly intensive bilateral relations and potential strategic cooperation in various fields. The DPR RI and the EU Parliament held the 12th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting (12th Indonesia-EU Inter-Parliamentary Meeting) at the European Parliament Building, Strasbourg. Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) of the DPR RI, Dr. Fadli Zon, chaired the meeting with Daniel Caspary, Chairman of the European Union Parliamentary Delegation for Southeast Asia and ASEAN (DASE). This annual forum was also attended by the Deputy Chairperson of BKSAP, Putu Supadma Rudana and Gilang Dhielafararez, as well as Member of BKSAP Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti. While the EU Parliament was represented by a number of members of the cross-party political DASE representing several member states including the Chairman of the Trade Commission Bern Lange and the Chairman of the Foreign Commission David McAlister. European Parliament, which currently represents more than 448 million people from 27 member states, is the second largest democratic electoral in the world and strategic partner for the DPR RI. This meeting discussed three main topics of concern for both parliaments, namely: bilateral and investment trade cooperation; global and regional security issues; as well as cooperation in the green transition and climate change. Fadli Zon appreciated the commitment previously voiced by the European Parliament at the 44th AIPA General Session in Jakarta, August 2023. The EU Parliament, which is a symbol of democratic unity and collaboration, always shows a commitment to fostering closer relations, not only with Indonesia, but also with the parliament of Southeast Asian countries in general. In his remarks, Daniel Caspary said, "The relationship between the European Union and Indonesia is based on democratic values, good governance, human rights, promotion of peace, economic progress, as well as multilateralism and regional integration."

Fadli Zon believes the importance of the two parliaments to reaffirm long-term relations. As important actors in our respective regions, our collective action will be urgently needed to tackle global challenges effectively. One of the main topics in this dialogue is the ongoing negotiation process of the Indonesia-UE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA). The I-EU CEPA is more than just a trade agreement, as it will be a bridge linking our two main markets to nearly 600 million people. The two parliaments agreed to push for the acceleration of the completion of this agreement. This meeting also discusses the EU Enforcement Regulation (EU Enforcement Regulation), particularly related to Indonesia's appeal process in the ongoing downstreaming policy at the WTO. In response to this, Fadli Zon, who is also Deputy Chair of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees, conveyed the importance of respecting established legal procedures, and we hope that our two parliaments can work together towards completion through the corresponding WTO framework. A joint commitment to green transitions and climate change is another important agenda that is also discussed. The two parliaments realize the importance of collaborative approaches to combat climate change and ensure environmentally friendly transitions.

We appreciate the EU's commitment to support Indonesia's energy transition through JETP, including support from the EU Investment Bank of USD 1 billion. We hope that this commitment can be implemented effectively soon." Fadli Zon emphasized his hope that the dialogue that was built could be a catalyst for solutions that support the acceleration of sensibility. The two parliaments also agreed to continue discussions, especially regarding global and regional security issues through follow-up meetings in the near future. The EU Parliament was also invited to be able to cooperate as an international supervisor in Indonesia's general election in early 2024.