Mayor Of Tangerang: The Fire In The Rawa Cat TPA Has Decreased

Mayor of Tangerang Arief R Wismansyah revealed that the fire at the Rawacat TPA on Saturday morning had decreased although there were still several hotspots, but not as big as yesterday. Friday (20/10).

"This morning there were still several hotspots at the Rawa Cat TPA, especially at door 3. The condition was not as bad as yesterday afternoon and last night," said Mayor Arief R Wismansyah when contacted in Tangerang, Saturday, October 21, as reported by Antara.

He said the process of extinguishing the fire at the Rawa cat TPA was still being carried out by officers until this morning. To minimize the potential for fires to grow again, his party has deployed 10 heavy equipment.

He said the heavy equipment was used to help extinguish the fire and localize the hotspots so as not to spread.

"There are 10 heavy equipment fleets deployed to help extinguish the fire," he said.

Head of the Tangerang City Environment Agency, Tihar Sopian, added that until now joint officers were still at the location to extinguish the hotspots.

The use of heavy equipment to anticipate the fire will rise again, because the wind during the day is feared to be big again.

"The day the wind gets bigger, we are worried that the fire will grow again, so we are operating heavy equipment from the morning to help extinguish the fire," he said.

A fire at the Rawa cat TPA Tangerang City in the Neglasari area occurred on Friday (20/10) afternoon, allegedly caused by hot weather. The fire quickly grew due to flammable plastic waste.