Sultan Rif'at Alfatih, Victim Of Fiber Optical Cable In Antasari Will Undergo Voice Band Operations At Police Hospital

JAKARTA The team of doctors at the National Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta plans to undergo the appointment of the Sultan Rif'at Alfatih ballot band, the victim of an optical fiber cable (FO) accident. Sultan's parents, Fatih NH said, the consequence is that the Sultan will certainly experience permanent defects. "Most likely Sultan Rif'at can no longer speak normally. The permanent breathing function has to be moved from the nose to an artificial hole in the neck," said Fatih.

The operation to lift the Sultan's voiceband was carried out today, Thursday 19 October at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital (RS), East Jakarta. The operation is estimated to last about six to eight hours. Sultan will also lose the function of the nose as a sense of smell.

"But in order to keep talking, later they will be trained using breath from the stomach, with sound quality like a robot," he said.

Fatih quoted the explanation from the team of doctors at the National Police Hospital as saying that this therapy is estimated to take about six months. Fatih revealed that Sultan's physical development in general is now actually getting better. Even he weighs more than 52 kilograms (kg).

The team of doctors at the National Police Hospital has also carried out several operations, such as injection of fat on the sound band and widening of the concavity channel to eat. In addition, other actions related to the normalization of the swallow function and the speech function. A few weeks ago, he said, the Sultan underwent a trial to speak and limitedly was able to make a sound. However, due to the condition of the sound band, other related neural and muscle networks were damaged due to the entanglement of the Bali Tower FO cable. For further action, the team of doctors gave options, including so that the Sultan's sound band was lifted. "There are two options to address the problem of my child's voiceband, namely it is maintained or removed," he said.

After being given a detailed education and explanation by the team of doctors, including all risks and consequences and listening to the Sultan's wishes, with a heavy heart Fatih finally agreed to carry out an operation to remove the Sultan's sound band. This had to be done with consideration so that the Sultan's eating function could return to normal. Later, after surgery, Sultan's daily activities are expected to be carried out normally, except for swimming. "Because there is a hole in the neck that functions as a respiratory tract," he said. He said, damage to the sound band and other related neural and muscle networks made the Sultan unable to swallow perfectly. In fact, part of the food or drink from the mouth enters the airway and lungs. To overcome this problem, by prioritizing the function of eating normally, finally the family and Sultan agreed to lift the sound band. Suthan has been treated at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for almost three months for special attention from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.Sultan, who is a student of Universitas Brawijaya Malang, East Java, became a victim of an optical cable accident that fell on Jalan Pangeran Antasari Street, South Jakarta, on January 5, 2023. This incident began when Sultan rode a motorcycle behind a car. Without realizing it was that the optical fiber cable that fell on the road was caught in the car. However, the car continued to go, dragging the optical fiber cable which was still hanging. Finally, the cable was detached from the car and regarding the Sultan who was behind it.