3 Alternative Energy Sources That Can Be Used To Produce Electricity

YOGYAKARTA - Electric energy can not only be obtained from coal and petroleum, but can also be produced from fruits. However, there are still many people who do not know what alternative energy sources are. There are several fruits that contain electrolyte so that they have the potential to produce electrical energy.

So far, electrical energy has been generated a lot from mineral resources such as coal, petroleum, and so on. But unfortunately these resources are non-renewable, so people need to look for alternative resources to create electrical energy.

Fruits can be used as renewable electrical energy (can be updated) and are considered more environmentally friendly. However, not all types of fruit can be processed to produce electrical energy. So what are the alternative energy sources that can be utilized?

The type of fruit that can be used as an alternative source of energy is fruit that has an acidic taste. The higher the acidity level in the fruit, the better in producing and channeling electricity.

In fruit that has an acidic taste, it contains electrolytes that have the potential to produce electrical energy sources. The stronger the acid content, the more ions are able to produce so that the electric current that is generated is also getting bigger.

Here are some fruits that can be an alternative source of energy:

Oranges or lemons contain citric acid compounds that can be an alternative solution for electrolyte. With this content, this fruit is famous for its acidic taste that can be used to produce electricity.

One lemon is said to be able to provide voltage up to 1 volt. If the number of lemons is increased, the amount of stress will also increase. In addition, lemons also contain several other ingredients such as vitamin C, gluolisa, amino acids, and vitamin B.

Other fruits that can be processed to produce electrical energy are apples. The fruits that are popular with many people store potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and flavonoids.

The presence of acid or potassium makes apples have electric power. If a metal plate is inserted or inserted into an apple, there will be a chemical reaction that can conduct weak electric currents. However, compared to other acid-based fruit, the electricity content in apples is classified as weaker.

Bananas are also one of the fruits that can be used for alternative energy sources. The energy value contained in bananas comes from calories. Each 100 grams of bananas is stored at 136 calories which, if calculated, will double the number compared to apples.

Bananas are also known to be rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Just like apples, potassium content is capable of producing electrical currents that react with sodium salt stored in banana peels.

Those are some alternative energy sources that you can use to generate electricity if you need them at any time. So far, there have been many research studies on the use of fruit to obtain electrical energy sources. In addition to a number of fruits above, other fruit that can deliver electricity is buying wuhuh and potatoes.

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