Don't Let Indonesian Citizens Become Victims Of The Israel-Palestinian War, Prepare The Worst Scenario Of Evacuation Operations

JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani reminded the Government to optimize the evacuation process of Indonesian citizens in Israel and Palestine. The state is obliged to ensure safety for its citizens who are in conflict areas.

"I realize that in the evacuation process from conflict areas there must be various obstacles in conditions in the field, but that cannot be used as an excuse not to provide optimal service for the safety of Indonesian citizens there. The government must be on alert status," said Puan, Monday, October 16.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) has repatriated 231 Indonesian citizens from Palestine and Israel who are pilgrims or go for religious tourism. Meanwhile, as many as 129 Indonesian citizens in Israel refused to be evacuated because they felt safe. Only 4 Indonesian citizens from Israel chose to be evacuated and have arrived in the country.

Then there are still 10 Indonesian citizens living in Gaza, of which three are MER-C volunteers. Puan also appealed to the Government to carry out strict supervision for Indonesian citizens who still live in Israeli-Palestinian conflict areas.

"The state has an obligation to protect its citizens who are abroad. Even though so far no Indonesian citizens have died from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the threat of war is still quite high," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

As a result of the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian war, thousands of casualties fell from both countries. Not only that, more than a thousand people have also been reported missing due to the onslaught of war over the past week.

Puan stated that the Government must prepare for all situations of the Israeli-Palestinian war. He asked the Government to prioritize the safety of Indonesian citizens, especially those in the Gaza Strip.

"Preparations for the worst scenario to evacuate Indonesian citizens must exist, especially those in the Gaza Strip. Don't let our Indonesian citizens become victims of war," said Puan.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' records, it is also known that there are still Indonesian citizens who enter the Israeli-Palestinian conflict area. Puan appealed to the Indonesian people to postpone their departure until the war between the Israeli military and Hamas subsided, either volunteers or those planning to carry out religious tourism.

"I urge you to postpone the departure to the Gaza route for now. The government has just issued a Travel Advisory, but I hope Indonesian citizens consider safety by not first entering the two countries that are in conflict," he appealed.

Puan also encouraged the Government to involve international organizations, such as the United Nations (UN) and the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), to provide assistance in the process of evacuating Indonesian citizens. Moreover, the Indonesian government has difficulty evacuating Indonesian citizens who are in the Gaza Strip because the region continues to be attacked by Israel.

"We hope that cooperation with international organizations can help evacuate Indonesian citizens. These two international organizations have experience and resources that can be used to secure and launch the evacuation process for Indonesian citizens," explained Puan.

On the other hand, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture encourages the Government of Indonesia to take a role in efforts to make peace between Israel and Palestine. In addition, continued Puan, the Government needs to ensure that aid and support for Palestine is always based on pure and universal human values.

"Hopefully this effort can help create a more peaceful and just world for all people. I hope there will be concrete steps from the Government to continue to encourage efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which has claimed many victims from both sides," he explained.

Puan hopes that diplomatic efforts from the Government of Indonesia to continue to invite all countries to participate in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can reduce the escalation of war. In addition, the encouragement from Indonesia so that countries in the world to provide assistance to war victims must also be carried out.

"Dispology efforts must be voiced more by the Government of Indonesia. Both from a formal point of view, such as in international forums or bilateral meetings with other countries, as well as informal approaches from leaders or representatives of the state," said Puan.

In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Puan reminded that all humans have the same right to a peaceful and prosperous life. He considered that violence was a violation of human values.

"In war, no one benefits other than the large number of casualties. The violence that arises due to war has tarnished the fair and civilized value of humanity," said Puan.

On various occasions, Puan also continued to voice about Palestinian independence. He also did this during a meeting with government leaders or parliamentary leaders of other countries.

Seperti saat Puan bertemu dengan Ketua Majelis Agung Nasional Turki Numan Kurtulmus di sela-sela P20 Summit ke-9 di India. Ia kembali menegaskan dukungannya untuk kemerdekaan Palestina.

Puan also encouraged Turkey and world countries to immediately provide humanitarian assistance or open up humanitarian corridors, including for the international community to provide assistance in efforts to open a blockade for residents on the Gaza Strip.

It is also necessary to immediately resolve the root of the problem in Palestine. This can be done by realizing the formation of an independent Palestinian state, in accordance with the parameters agreed at the United Nations," said Puan when meeting with the Chairperson of the Turkish Parliament.