KPK Confiscates Ex-Minister Of Agriculture SYL's Assets From Corruption Results

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate the flow of corruption money enjoyed by former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. His assets will be confiscated if they are proven to have been bought using money from corrupt practices.

"We are still conducting investigations, tracing all assets of wealth sourced from the state assets taken which we will confiscate later," said KPK Deputy Chair Johanis Tanak in a KPK RI YouTube broadcast quoted on Friday, October 13.

The confiscation was also carried out if Syahrul turned out to disguise the money with the help of other parties. To investigate this, the KPK will continue to coordinate with the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).

"To anyone, the flow of funds flows, and we get one proof, so of course we take the attitude of forced legal action in the form of confiscation," said Johanis.

"So there are no exceptions to anyone as long as we have evidence that there is indeed a flow of funds resulting from corruption flowing into it," he continued.

As previously reported, the KPK has announced Syahrul and two of his subordinates, Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and Director of Agricultural Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta as suspects on Wednesday, October 11. All three were involved in alleged extortion and gratification.

In this case, Syahrul through his two subordinates was suspected of extorting his employees by requiring to pay the deposit every month. The nominal varies between 4,000-10,000 United States dollars.

It is believed that the money collected does not only come from the realization of the Ministry of Agriculture's budget inflated or mark-ups but from vendors working on projects. The money is given in cash, transfers or goods.