Europa Water Experiences Cyber Attacks That Break Customer Credit Card Details
JAKARTA - Spanish airline Air Europa has been a victim of cyber attacks on its online payment system which has resulted in several customer credit card details being revealed. This statement came from the company on Tuesday, October 10.
The airline sends emails to customers whose credit card details are affected and informs related financial institutions. The company did not specify the number of affected customers, nor did it predict the financial impact of the cyberattack. The company said no other information was revealed.
"There is no evidence that the breach was ultimately used to commit fraud," the airline said.
An email received by a Air Europa customer and seen by Reuters on Tuesday suggested that the card used for payments on the Air Europa website be canceled and replaced "to prevent the use of your possibly fake information" after the incident.
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The Spanish consumer association, OCU, recommends users receiving the email to follow Air Europa's advice and asks the country's data protection watchdog to investigate when a cyberattack occurred due to unauthorized use of the card revealed to have occurred before the company's warning.
In 2021, the airline will be fined for poor treatment of other offenses affecting 489,000 subscribers in 2018, the OCU statement said. Air Europa reported the incident 41 days after it happened, whereas the company was required to do so within 72 hours.
Madrid-based Air Europa is currently being acquired by the International Consolerated Airlines Group (ICAG.L), the owner of British Airways.