Sri Mulyani Asks Candidates For State Financial Management To Need Political Understanding
JAKARTA - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that prospective state financial managers at the Ministry of Finance will need to understand politics.
"I hope that all STAN graduates understand politics. Politics means how every activity has consequences for the wider community. You must understand politics at the micro to global level, because state finances are political instruments," Sri Mulyani said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 5.
Sri Mulyani reminded that state finances are not only related to accounting, but also are often a political object so they are vulnerable to receiving criticism.
Criticism of state financial managers mainly targets tax and customs managers, of which the three best graduates of PKN STAN come from both fields.
He asked the graduates of PKN STAN, who are expected to be the successors of the Ministry of Finance in the future, to have an adequate mentality to accept various criticisms.
"You don't cover up your identity when you receive criticism. Be someone who can explain. If you are not sure to do good for the Indonesian people through state finances, don't work at the Ministry of Finance," added Sri Mulyani.
In addition, the State Treasurer also emphasized the importance of continuing to learn so that they can provide solutions when facing state financial issues that are used as political objects.
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Moreover, state finances are not only the object of domestic politics but also in relations between countries. Respected countries generally have good economic performance.
"So, you are an important element to make Indonesia strong. Look, compare, and measure with other countries. Then we will know whether we still need to run much harder and what we have to improve. This is our job," said the Minister of Finance.