CCTV Image 'Burik', Police Difficulty Identifying Shooting Perpetrators In Tanjung Priok
JAKARTA - The police admitted that it was difficult to uncover the shooting case during an attempted motorcycle theft with the victim, a Community Protection Officer (Linmas) on Jalan Budi Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Wednesday, October 4. This is because the quality of the CCTV footage at the scene is not very clear.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanjung Priok Police, AKP Alex Chandra, said that the problem with bad CCTV images made it difficult for his party to identify the perpetrators.
"(CCTV at the scene of the incident) It's not clear," said Alex in a short message, Thursday, October 5.
However, his party will trace back from CCTV at other points in order to uncover the shooter.
"We are still searching for other CCTVs," he said.
On the other hand, Alex said that his party had also examined 5 witnesses.
"5 witnesses have been examined," he concluded.
Previously, a public protection security officer (Linmas) named Tatang Sutio was the victim of a shooting by a gang of motorbike thieves on Jalan Budi Jaya, Sungai Bambu, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta.
Alex straightened out that the weapons used by the perpetrators were airsoft guns, not firearms.
"It's true, there has been a shooting of security officers when the perpetrators were about to try to steal two wheels. The perpetrator used a weapon used by the Airsoft gun," Alex said when confirmed, Wednesday, October 4.
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Alex explained that the incident began when the victim heard the screams of thieves from residents at the scene. On that basis, the flood came to the crime scene (TKP).
Three of the perpetrators used two motorbikes. They came over to the victim, followed by 3 shootings," he said.
"The first was directed at the witness of the theft and hit the fence of the house and the next two shots hit security officers who at the time of the incident the victim would check at the scene," he continued.