Tips In Maintaining Security On Mastadon Social Platform

JAKARTA - Mastodon is an open source software-based social platform, similar to X, which is decentralized. It works on several decentralized servers, united to form one network and interact with each other.

On Mastodon, users can select instances according to their preferences and settings, but still communicate with members from other instances. The platform offers better adjustment and control.

Kaspersky experts have prepared useful tips to help users strengthen privacy levels and maintain the security of their personal data.

Some settings may seem common if you are a user of X. There are several types of Mastodon accounts: public (available to everyone), unregistered (Your posts can still be seen by everyone, but are not listed on the public timeline), and are only available to your followers.

It's important to note that every server has its own privacy policy, so don't forget to explore all the details before registering, and always remember not to share any personal data.

Posts can also have three privacy levels. Which can be seen by everyone, which can be seen by followers, and which can only be seen by the user mentioned in the post.

Like all other services, Mastodon can deal with data leakage. Given this, a safe choice is, install reliable security solutions, which will detect and protect personal information in such cases.

To avoid phishing, it is safer to install apps that are only offered in official stores such as AppStore and Google Play. Always remember to be careful when receiving any links from unknown websites.

Compared to other social media platforms such as or Threads, it is clear that Mastodon does not yet have a legal basis as many as others. However, there are rules that all platform participants must comply with," commented Anna Larkina, Web Content analyst at Kaspersky.