Damaged Dam, 108 Hectares Of Sawah Ambela-Talaud Can't Produce Rice

MANADO - An area of 108 hectares of rice fields in Ambela Village, Melonguane District, Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi could not produce rice after dams and irrigation in Tarun Village were damaged since a dozen years ago.

"In the past, we hoped that from 108 hectares of this rice field area could produce rice, but unfortunately the dam and irrigation did not work," said Talaud Regent Elly Lasut in Ambela Village as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.

In the past, said the Regent, the public often mentioned Ambela rice, Tarun rice, and it was even hoped that it would meet the needs of the Talaud community, but now it is no longer.

"The Talaud Regency Government is afraid of being wrong in taking over the construction of the dam, because if we repair it, it is not in accordance with the provisions because this belongs to the central government," he said.

The local government and communities in Ambela Village and Tarun Village hope to be repaired and reactivate the Tarun dam and its irrigation network.

"We are just waiting and proposing that this dam can be repaired whether through a source of grant or other APBN funds. That is our hope and the community," he said.

Regent Elly said that the Tarun dam and irrigation network repairs had also been conveyed by the Ministry of Agriculture through Inspector General Jan S Maringka.

"Hopefully what the community hopes for assistance from the central government," he said.