The Rusunawa Registrant Queue In Surabaya Reaches 10,776 Families
The registration queue to become a resident of a simple rented flat (rusunawa) owned by the East Java City Government (Pemkot) has now reached 10,776 families.
Head of the Surabaya City Public Housing and Settlement and Land Office (DPRKPP) Irvan Wahyudrajad in Surabaya, Thursday, said the interest of the people of Surabaya to inhabit the Rusunawa was very high.
"The queue for flat applications to date is 10,776 families, this is real time because it is in e-rusun," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, September 28.
Irvan said that his party has now closed the registration application for the use of flats following the registration queue for the use of flats for a long time and the limited availability of residential units, as well as the absence of construction of new flats.
To date, the Surabaya City Government has built 23 flats consisting of 109 blocks with 5,233 residential units.
The Rusunawa block that was built was a flat building with an altitude of between 4-5 floors with a residential unit area varying from 18-36 square meters per unit.
"Our flat rental rate is only Rp. 10,000 for the lowest and the highest at Rp. 164,000. This may lead to high public interest, very cheap but still of high quality," he said.
In addition to the very long queues, he said, the requirements for the residents of the flats have also been tightened.
The goal is to ensure the use of rusunawa according to the designation, namely residents of the poor family category (gakin). This means that residents who are no longer included in the category of not having to leave the flats.
Head of UPT Flats Adinda Setyoningrum said several rules in Perwali 93/2023 that became legal umbrellas related to rusunawa contained new norms, such as the category of people who could apply to occupy the flats.
The old rules only define low-income people (MBR), while in the new rules there are mentions and categories to become poor or gakin families.
"Therefore, we are starting to adjust the new regulations. So, those who can enter are residents who are categorized as gakin and have lived in Surabaya for approximately 5 years," he said.
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In addition, he said, flat applicants who may later stay are also limited, namely their father, mother and child who are not married and are still in one family card (KK). Then for grandchildren, must have the status of both parents who have died.
"In addition to being more orderly, this is based on the feasibility of living in flat units because the flat units are also limited in size, so that the occupants are also limited," he said.
Adinda also emphasized that in this new regulation, there are also sanctions and control that will be carried out by the Surabaya City Government in stages, starting from warnings to enforcement warnings. This will usually be carried out by the Surabaya Satpol PP as a regional regulatory enforcement officer.
"For this control, it is usually emptying by officers, but now it is also confirmed that residents are asked to vacate their units before being subject to sealing sanctions," he said.