Establish Data Center With Biomass Personnel, PDG Targets Net Zero Emissions
JAKARTA - Princeton Digital Group (PDG) officially launched the HyperscaleJC2 data center facility. The data center with a capacity of 22MW is claimed to be the best partner for severeperscale and companies in the fields of cloud, content, trade, AI, and fintech.
By establishing JC2, PDG is committed to providing secure servers for its partners. PDG Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder Varoon Raghavan also claimed that JC2 has safe and highly maintained facilities.
Varoon explained to VOI that PDG uses five levels of security so that its level of security can be accounted for. He stressed that PDG will continue to pay attention to physical security.
So far, PDG has collaborated with PT Cikarang Listristindo and PT PLN (Persero) to use renewable energy. This collaboration itself is in line with PDG's vision to achieve net zero emissions covering 1 and 2 in 2030.
As a campus that provides the first biomass-powered capacity in Indonesia, PDG supports the vision of renewable energy driven by the Indonesian government. However, currently PDG has not fully used biomass.
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When asked, Varoon stated that PDG could not fully replace their energy with biomass. In other words, PDG is still combining it with different sources, one of which is solar.
"This biomass bear is very expensive, currently it is still 20 percent (used by PDG), but there is a possibility of an increase (the percentage). This cinema is quite expensive, but PDG is determined to invest in green power," said Varoon.
PDG menyadari tantangan dalam penggunaan tenaga biomassa yang mereka ambil dari Cikarang Listristindo. Meski peralihanya membuat banyak biaya, PDG memanfaatkan momen ini sebagai investasi yang begitu penting.
PDG's determination in achieving its vision was also seen in the cooperation of the REC program. PDG became REC's first buyer, PLN's green product. With this purchase, PDG gets a source of geothermal energy for three data centers, namely in Jakarta, Bandung, and Pekanbaru.