MUI Asks Political Parties Not To Bring Identity Politics To Places Of Worship

TULUNGAGUNG - The Indonesian Ulema Council Tulungagung Branch, East Java appealed to political parties participating in the election and the politicians involved in it not to campaign and bring politics to spaces/areas of worship, especially the mosque environment.

"It is very inappropriate for places of worship to be used as campaign areas. We hope that all parties will respect the neutrality of the mosque environment so that it does not become a trigger for friction between believers," said Head of MUI Tulungagung Regency, KH. Hadi Muhammad Mahfudz or Gus Hadi quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 20.

Gus Hadi said that places of worship, especially mosques, belonged to all people.

"Do not let identity politics be brought to places of worship," he said.

According to him, it will be very scary if political identity is brought to places of worship, because it has the potential to cause friction between people.

On the other hand, Gus Hadi hopes that religious scholars can be a Cooler in the political year as it is today.

Gus Hadi repeatedly reminded all members and staff at MUI Tulungagung not to be trapped, let alone participate in active politics.

He emphasized that if there are unscrupulous MUI administrators who become political activists, they will certainly be subject to severe sanctions, starting from suspension to being permanently disabled.

"MUI has never been in politics. Because MUI is a neutral institution. So every individual administrator at MUI should not be involved as a political activist (party)," he said.

The management of the Mlaten Islamic Boarding School, Kauman District, emphasized that basically MUI does not hinder the rights or prohibit its members from politics. But if they are political activists, they should give up their positions at MUI.

"However, until now there has not been (a member of MUI who is involved in politics)," he said.