Central Java Police Chief Affirms Hoax Enforcement To Hate Speech Through Virtual Police Ahead Of Election

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi reminded the important role of virtual police in maintaining a conducive situation in cyberspace ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"False news actions, black campaigns, and hate speech on social media will be carried out by virtual police," he said in a press release at the Opening of the Integrated Law Enforcement Training, Great Operation Brata 2023/2024 in Semarang, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 19.

According to the regional police chief, law enforcement against violations and election crimes must be carried out comprehensively, accommodate all aspects, and prioritize the aspect of neutrality.

"Including the handling of violations and crimes that occur in cyberspace," he said.

Virtual police, he continued, have the task of reminding the public.

He emphasized that legal action was carried out if the warning given by the virtual police was ignored.

In addition, he said, legal action against election violations was carried out by referring to science to carry out indisputable evidence.

The Kapolda reminded about the need for common perceptions between law enforcers, Bawaslu, and the KPU in enforcing election criminal law.

"The National Police cannot stand alone. Every stage of the election has the potential for vulnerability," he said.