South Sumatra BPBD Optimizes 6 Water Bombing Helicopters To Overcome Forest And Land Fires

The South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has optimized six water bombing helicopters to deal with forest and land fires (karhutla) in the local province at the peak of the dry season in September 2023.

"Helikopter water bombing which has the ability to carry 5,000 liters of central aid water in this area is optimized to help extinguish fires and cool the forest and land areas that are difficult to reach by the ground patrol team," said Head of BPBD South Sumatra Iriansyah in Palembang as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 18.

He explained that the quenching and cooling activities using water bomber helicopters are currently focused on the districts of Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ilir and Musi Banyuasin.

The three areas are the focus of attention because they are quite vulnerable to forest and land fires and in recent months there have been hundreds of hectares of land fires, he said.

To prevent greater forest and land fires from occurring, his party continues to strive to increase ground and air patrols to check forest areas and agricultural/plants that are mapped prone to fire.

According to him, if there are fires on forest areas and agricultural/planting land belonging to the community and plantation companies, quick and precise action can be taken.

With quick and precise action, it is hoped that forest and land fires can be controlled so that there will be no major fires that can cause environmental damage and health problems as well as community activities caused by smoke.

In addition to making efforts to prevent and control forest and land fires, his party also invited all parties and levels of society to take various measures to prevent land fires around residential areas, peatlands, agriculture and plantations, as well as forest areas.

"Determination measures such as not starting a fire or deliberately burning garbage, harvest residue, and burning other objects," said the Head of the South Sumatra BPBD.