Reasons For The Importance Of Exclusive Breastfeeding For Mothers And Babies In The Current Era
JAKARTA - Normally, breast milk will come out shortly after giving birth. Babies must get exclusive breast milk up to the age of 6 months.
Exclusive breast milk means only drinking breast milk for the first 6 months, not even given water, according to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.
Meanwhile, quoted from research published by Revista da Associa totaling Médica Brasileira, the immunoglobulin A content in breast milk is able to strengthen the immune system to be protected from infection, so it is important to provide breast milk to babies.
Immunity is very important in today's era considering the many new diseases and viruses that have emerged, just like yesterday's pandemic.
In addition to strengthening the immune system, exclusive breastfeeding can also optimize children's development, minimize the emergence of allergies to help achieve ideal child weight.
However, not all mothers have smooth breast milk production, the obstacle that often occurs is the production of small or even non-existent breast milk.
Generally, the production of breast milk for a mother can be reduced at most due to an inappropriate attachment between the baby's mouth and the mother's nipples.
In addition, the rare frequency of breastfeeding, combinatorial hormonal contraception consumption, dehydration or lack of body fluids can also reduce breast milk production.
To increase milk production, it is necessary to breastfeed babies more often because the baby's mouth suction stimulus to the mother's milk nipples can stimulate breast milk production.
In addition, breastfeeding procedures, breast massage, can also increase the amount of breast milk. Knowing the importance of providing exclusive breast milk, Spectra, which is a brand or brand from South Korea under the auspices of PT Aneka Sukses Semesta, provides a variety of products for mothers and children, especially quality breast milk pumps with the best technology.
Spectra, who was present in Indonesia for the first time in 2013 with the main product of this electric breast milk pump, managed to become the number one choice for breastfeeding mothers because of its uniqueness in suction and vibrations that resembled the baby's suction, so that it can stimulate LDR (Let Down Reflect) to be faster and more frequent.
"The Spectra Breastfeeder is equipped with two modes, namely Expression and Massage, which can stimulate LDR (Let Down Reflect) faster, more often, and longer," said Nisrina Nuraini Putri as Creative Digital Marketing Manager, quoted Friday.
Not only that, the breast milk pump, which is designed to make it easier for breastfeeding mothers, is also equipped with a dual pumping feature where mothers can pump breast twice at once, save more time and maximum results.
In addition, the Spectra breast milk pump can also be used manually or electrically with the standard Hospital Grade which has a strong motorbike / engine. Equipped with an official 2-year warranty and spare parts that are easy to find in baby equipment stores.