Drug Lord Fredy Pratama Takes Methamphetamine From The Golden Triangle Network

JAKARTA - Drug giant Fredy Pratama has links to the Golden Triangle or Golden Triangle network. This is because Fredy took methamphetamine from there and circulated it to Indonesia.

"That's right. Packaging there to be brought to Malaysia, then dropped to Indonesia," said Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit Mukti Juharsa when confirmed, Friday, September 15.

The Southeast Asian Golden Triangle area is the center of the world's narcotics economy. Its location is in parts of Burma (Myanmar), Laos, and Thailand.

The area, also known as The Golden Triangle, is the largest opium producer in Southeast Asia and also the largest in the world.

Returning to the Fredy Pratama network, Mukti said, methamphetamine from what was taken from the Southeast Asian Golden Triangle region was then distributed to Eastern and Western Indonesia.

Fredy Pratama has accomplices with the initials W and K who regulate the circulation of methamphetamine in Indonesia.

Kalimantan-Sulawesi Mr. W with his own finances and drugs. In the west, Sumatra-Java is Mr. K," said Mukti

Fredy Pratama is the leader of one of the largest drug kingpins in Indonesia. In the last three years, his network has circulated 10.2 tons of crystal methamphetamine.

Currently, his whereabouts are being hunted. The National Police cooperates with the Immigration and the Malaysian, Thai, and Interpol police. If detected through the official border route, the Police will find out soon.

Based on the latest information, Fredy Pratama is said to be in the territory of Thailand.