Legislative Approved Proposal, PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi Regency Officially Becomes Perumda
BEKASI - Regional-owned enterprise (BUMD) PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi in Bekasi Regency has officially changed its status to a regional public company or Perumda.
Bekasi Regent Dani Ramdan said the change in status after the change by the local government was approved by the Bekasi Regency DPRD through a plenary meeting.
"This change is a long journey, because in regencies and cities in West Java, we are the last. This has been delayed due to the separation of cooperative assets with the Bekasi City Government and also related to the availability of compensation payments from the Bekasi City Government to us," he said in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java, Tuesday, September 12, confiscated by Antara.
Meanwhile, PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi became Perumda referring to Law Number 23 of 2014 which states that regional public companies are BUMDs with all capital owned by the regions and are baseless on the distribution of shares.
Dani said that the change in structure in Perumda Tirta Bhagasasi is expected to have an impact on improving clean water services for all people in Bekasi Regency because water is a basic need for life.
"The change to Perumda will also certainly be adjusted in the organizational structure, but not too radical either. The most crucial thing is the determination of the basic capital whose value is quite fantastic up to Rp4 trillion with the ratio of the population of Bekasi Regency reaching 3.2 million people," he said.
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His party admitted that all investments for this basic capital had gone through a thorough calculation process with the main aim of meeting the needs of clean water for the entire community of Bekasi Regency.
"That also only reached 60 percent of the coverage of services according to SDGs standards. However, we will fulfill all of that gradually, while waiting for capital participation from the regional government, as has been done now," he said.
His party also encouraged Perumda Tirta Bhagasasi to continue to increase various collaborations with third parties in the development of other businesses, such as the addition of construction of water treatment plant or water treatment plant, bottled drinking water business, and other businesses.
"And it's been going well so far, especially with the current status of Perumda, it is hoped that it can be more agile," he said.